obsessed with singers and anime. She's very violent and loud. Even though she's one of the best friends you could have. Love you if you're seeing this<33 I wish we could still be friends...
Wow, she's so loud and singing Taylor Swift.
Yeah, she must be a naz.
The best girl in the whole wide universe. I love her so much. She's smart and hilarious. STEM orientated but also good in all her other classes. EXCELLENT at cello and singing (especially jazz). The guys around her really need to start treating her like the absolute blessing she is.
Who's she? She's so perfect..
Oh, that's Naz <3
A person who is loved by women
And knows how to woo women with his huge dick
Has NAZ sexed you before?? Oh my God he is so good
He A PImp Not A Simp But Will Make You Feel SPecial ANd Be Trying To SLide ON your SIsters REal Cocky Can Fight EVen THou He SHort BrownSkin Or DarkSkin ANd FUNny KEEP HIm THOuu