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The act of displaying one's nerdiness or brilliance

boy: he's answered all the questions correctly so far

girl: that just nerdie of him

by eugeneokons September 9, 2018


Adj: Someone who is into Nerdy/Geeky hobbies and lights up when you listen to them talk about their interests, acting very cute doing so,

Listening Matpat talk about FNAF is adorable he's such a nerdy-pie .

by Ahoman March 7, 2023

NOV 31: National Nerdy Friendzoned Sad Botw Buddies day

A day when one nerdy friendzoned sad botw buddie complements the other.

hey there its NOV 31: National Nerdy Friendzoned Sad Botw Buddies day! Buddy you are so awesome.
"OOG thanks" says the other buddy

by Nothing sexual at all November 2, 2021

Nerdy dog

the terminology used when a video game player reaches the apex of his or her frustration during an argument with another player.

Stfu Nerdy dog. Yeah, you're a nerdy dog.

by Type_Proto March 14, 2010

nerdy goody two-shoes

Those who do their job at work and don't goof off.

Sara is such a nerdy goody two-shoes. She never wants to play Fortnite during work.

by eileen ulich March 9, 2024


The martial art attained after years of training on one's couch by watching movies, anime, and other videos. After countless minutes of practice, one can easily master the combat moves of their favorite characters. This martial art aims to train and master your Nerdy-Chi. If you have attempted a kamehameha, gomu-gomu attack, kage bushin, spirit gun, one-inch-punch, crane technique, judo chop, or Vulcan nerve pinch, to name a few, you are well on your way to becoming a black belt of Nerdy-Fu.

She's been reading Marvel comics for over 20 years, she's a master of Nerdy-Fu.

by it's Natural July 27, 2013

Nerdy Dino

Your soulmate for food, when it comes to taste, there Is no match for NerdyDino.
You can always trust and count on it.

Also, personalises the stuff as per your mood (just like your bff/bf/gf)

Everyone is getting their personalised stuff, hope I get my Nerdy Dino too.

by NerdyDinooo November 25, 2021