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Nig Nog Niglet

A polite way of making fun of a nigger when you are angry

When making fun of a nigger in a polite way on Xbox live you might say "Ah fuck that nig nog niglet

by Skoocer December 14, 2018

6👍 2👎

Special Ed Niglet

Being a Special Ed Niglet is similar to being an aggressive nigger with the self-awareness of a tortoise. A Special Ed Niglet can be defined as anyone who responds to the word nigger with aggression and violence, proving the individuals point that they are in fact a low-IQ coon. Special Ed Niglets have zero understanding that responding like a down syndrome monkey proves the exact point the person was intending on making.

“Jerome, you’re a fucking nigger.”

“What did you just say to me fam?! I’ll pop a cap in yo ass nigga, wanna fight? I’ll kill you.”

“Classic Special Ed Niglet, you just proved my point.”

by TheDonkeyDude September 1, 2019

7👍 11👎

niglet mother fuckin boss

a false statement because all nigger arent bosses. they are gay ass smelly niglets that walk around in group acting tough.

Hey you nigger, your not a niglet mother fuckin boss.

by Niglet beater March 13, 2011

30👍 17👎

fo' shiznit my niglet

What Snoop Dog says after watching "Tales From The Hood".

fo' shiznit my niglet

by Corbin BEARnsen April 6, 2004

15👍 22👎

nigga [niggaz] [nigger] [niggah] [niger] [niglet] [nigg`a]

nigger / nigga / niggah & etc.

1: A well-known very offensive term, used by non-blacks for decrimination & their hatred & chauvinist thoughts. The speaker is regarded as a racist. Nowadays ban on TV & radio and most of the official channels and oftenly reffered as the n-word. Also because of the ban on it, it created a fear among people for this word to be spoken.
* It is an equal to the terms used against whites for racism, like 'red necks' 'white trash' & ' crakers' etc.

2: Used among friends to show a close bond or an affection of their relation. This term is oftenly used by African-Americans and is not only restricted to them. However, if used by non-blacks before black then it is believed to be an act of racism.
* To an extent it can be presumed as an equal to the term brother (oftenly used by the well-know WWE legend Hulk Hogan).

3: An aimless stroller or a wanderer.

4: People who migrated from Nigeria to other parts of the world.

5: A person who is negligent to the whole world.
* It can be believed as an equal to the term 'blonde moment'.

6: Uneducated, bad, poor, good-for-nothing, lazy, addict gangster (gangsta) or a criminal.

The terms '*' or 'n-word' can be replaced by the words below.
nigga niggaz nigger niggah niger niglet nigg`a

1: I use to like this place but since there are too many 'n-word' here, I am not sure if I am going to stay here for long. (Purely racist)

2: Hey **gga whazz da crack?!!

3: Whtch ya up to **gga huh! going to the nowhere land loser!

4: Hey the shipment of that **ger got looted on the way, poor guy!

5: This guy is a total **ggah, he doesn't care for anyone not even his own parents!

6: Trust me you don't wanna go to prison it's a place for **ggaz.

by _n!(k_ December 15, 2007

29👍 48👎

Niglet farming

A Farm where you take care of niglets and feed them.

Ron: Hey what do you do for a living Jim: i do niglet farming :)

by Cupcakebackpack January 25, 2023

The Niglet Nagger™

a machine that nags niglets till death

Johnathan Prescotious Prestigious XCIX: This niglet is getting on my nerves! Time to get The Niglet Nagger™.
Uvuvwevwevwe onyetenvewve ugwemubwem ossas: This Niglet Nagger™ keeps nagging me!

by Gaynikker May 19, 2023