Sauce that is awesome or awesome that is sauce yaya!
Charles: Oh my this sandwich needs a dressing!
CJ: U gotta tri dat bangin awesome sauce on dat sarni init bled cause it make it well peng.
Charles: Goodness me that awesome sauce is most satisfactory. But I do not tolerate your use of language young fellow.
Something amazing that happened.
I just went snowboarding and it was awesome sauce!
Awesome sauce!
Something said by your lame uncle or teacher while something mild happens
Gamer 1: Are you winning son
Gamer 2: Wait is that a girl. Wowwww, Wowww. OH. *Slurping noises*
Gamer 1 : Awesome Sauce
they gayest thing ever usually said by willum
Person A: my dad died
Willum: Awesome sauce
When something is extremely good!!
"So.. how was the kiss?"
"that was awesome sauce!"