This is a Very dangerous virus which will make you lose your hair with all your brain cells in it but that only happens in the winter most of the time there is also medications for it but those don’t always work it can also spread from one person to another
Sorry kid you have Odi syndrome
He is a very hot guy that makes you feel like fire and averyone wants him to make something he is gypas and he gyping averywhere that can make him a person that make any girl love him
Oh look he is the king odi come we have to speak him now he is beautiful boy
King odi is the mean of love he makes any girl love him because he is a king odi he can do anything and he is gypas thats mean he gyping the girls he make girls love him
Oh look he is The King Odi guy he is beautiful come we have to speak with him oh my god he is very beautiful guy
editing team (A.K.A Odyssey, ODY ISLAND) where everyone seems to really like russian songs for some reason
ody povarehok newest goes sooo hard bro, i loved how it went like Карантин
An ugly ass gay ass white boy that thinks he’s black.
Can often be found asking underage girls for nudes online. Is probably on a F.B.I. Watch list
Ody: @underagegirl sEnD titty pics Plz I’m lonely
هما أسماء لشخصيات عظيمة ولدو ببوسمغون والله يحفظهم وينجحهم.