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Oppressed Group

A group of the democrats tell

That they will never do shit Because everyone else never did shit And it's all of that oppressor fault For Your parent being homeless drug dealer prostitutes Who got Arrested for life in prison Somehow it's the Oppressor child fault for just breathing

Are you poor little oppressed group

by 459395 March 13, 2022

2👍 1👎

Triangle of Oppression

A system in which horny chads, blonde bimbos, and greedy rich people have basically hijacked America to their own benefit and society's detriment, leaving in their wake a large undercaste of silenced, oppressed average joes

Trapped by the triangle of oppression, Johnny was contantly stuck dateless and low on cash

by D Flawless April 27, 2020

Triangle of Oppression

A system in which horny chads, blonde bimbos, and greedy rich people have basically hijaacked America to their own benefit and society's detriment, leaving in their wake a large undercaste of silenced, oppressed average joes

Trapped by the triangle of oppression, Johnny was contantly stuck dateless and low on cash

by D Flawless April 27, 2020

Oppressor vs Oppressed

If YOU THINK oppressor vs oppressed narrative is bad... Let me tell you a little something about this incest cult!

Hym "So... Instead of oppressor vs oppressed narrative... The incest cult has this thing they like to call 'Good vs Evil.' Right? And the incest cult is the 'Good' one (by default) and anyone NOT doing the incest cult is the 'Evil' one, right? And it's ALMOST EXACTLY THE SAME as the oppressor vs oppressed narrative EXCEPT FOR THE FACT that for the oppressor vs oppressed narrative one party must be acting upon another party and for the good vs evil narrative no one need to be acting upon anyone! The good one is good by nature of being the incest cult and the evil one is the one not doing the incest cult. So, I don't even have to necessarily do anything to the incest cult."

by Hym Iam April 23, 2024


A group that gets friendszoned. Ex: Gamers

Gamer1: Gamers are the most oppressed group of all, Gang weed.
Gamer2: Gamers rise up.

by Sweden=penis October 2, 2018


Well, laugh all you want to, and know when you roll your eyes and get exasperated with me for saying this, that is proof that you are probably oppressed by a demonic spirit! But even if you're oppressed I think you could still know it to be true but if you don't and you roll your eyes at all of this and you think I'm on nuts and and whatever and oh you don't care and oh I have no future so I don't care, then that means it's inside of you already and I doubt you'll probably do anything because you can't.

"You're being oppressed by the demons Cade!"

by parkerkeegan November 17, 2023