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PPP (Pretty, Proper, and Professional)

Very common in academics, students should adhere to this idealistic acronym "PPP" or Pretty, Proper, and Professional, which is an ideology or method to consider when submitting work, especially papers or projects. This acronym is not limited to academics, as it can be applied to other facets of life such as work, personal mottos, and more.

Professor: Make sure your project is PPP (Pretty, Proper, and Professional)!
Student: Ok.. My project will be P cubed, you got it.
Professor: Excellent, I look forward to seeing it!

Person 1: My life motto is to be PPP when in doubt.
Person 2: Not a bad life motto.
Person 1: Ikr....

by LingDanc803 May 3, 2021

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

mmm nnn bbb vvv ccc xxx zzz lll kkk jjj hhh ggg fff ddd sss aaa ppp ooo iii uuu yyy ttt rrr eee www qqq

When you start to die of boredom and maybe your internet even is gone so you start to type mmm nnn bbb vvv ccc xxx zzz lll kkk jjj hhh ggg fff ddd sss aaa ppp ooo iii uuu yyy ttt rrr eee www qqq, which is typing your letters on the QWERTY keyboard from first to last, but you type every letter 3 times.

Person 1: Dude I'm so bored

Dude: Have you tried qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm and mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq?

Person 1: Yeah, 4 minutes ago.

Dude: Try doing mmm nnn bbb vvv ccc xxx zzz lll kkk jjj hhh ggg fff ddd sss aaa ppp ooo iii uuu yyy ttt rrr eee www qqq.

by August403 January 19, 2021

81๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž


A hashtag you add when about to go broke ๐Ÿ’ธ
- PPP: I see a Puma, I Pullup, I Pay.

Did you see lil gucci's new post?

- No..
- I think he about to go broke again

by dondoydev February 18, 2019


Ppp is defined as a government business assistance loan. Paycheck protection program.

I just got a 20 thousand dollar ppp loan.

by Rob run corleone September 11, 2022


perpendicular penis party
basically a group of people in measuring which penis is the most perpendicular to the body

i got the award for most perpendicular penis last night during a ppp

by bigsaturnjupiter22 April 10, 2019


Pig pickle penis. A pig who has a pickle sized penis, usually larger than most people who are looking at this

Pig1: Wow nice ppp
pig: Thanks bro

by Candice',:) October 19, 2021


personal pussy problem

"I had a really hard day."
" That sounds like a PPP."

by emilieete March 4, 2023