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Pitty can mean many things including, Stupid, Idiot, Weird, and crazy etc....

Pitty can also mean butt.

Mariam said to Noor "Your sooooo Pitty." Noor toke it offensively

by noodle1011 March 7, 2024

Pitty relationship

When a person only dates someone because they feel bad for them

Ary and mr president are in a pitty relationship because arys uncle killed mr president

by Jacquelin kennedy Onassis June 18, 2018


A variation for the word pit bike

I wanna take the middy out for a ride on the pittie

by Yurmomgey June 1, 2018


A very tough person but also has very soft sides. He likes it when other people talk about him, doesn’t matter if it’s good or bad. He is very smart and knows how to lead and control other people. It’s not very hard for Pitti to fit in because he endears himself to everybody.

What do you want to do, Pitti?
Pitti! Want to join us?

by britianlover January 9, 2019


Greatest and sexiest last name ever

Omg it that Pitti??!!

by Pitti December 25, 2021

Pitty Fuckin

When the girl feels so bad for you she'll fuck you just out of pitty

Girl 1: did you really pitty fuck Sam

Girl 2: He just looked so sad I just felt bad

Girl 1: so you end up pitty fucking him

by Sammy Moon 69 December 20, 2019

Have pitty on my cock you fucks.

A last try for empathy, after nothing else has worked.

Professor: The chalkboard behind me shows all you need to know.
Andrew: What the fuck is that?
Jason: Seriously we dont know what the fuck your talking about.
Professor: Have pitty on my cock you fucks.

by Gregor111 July 19, 2018