The Prophet prophesied to deliver Israel in Deuteronomy 18:18-19.
Are you that "Prophet Yahweh" predicted to give us the commandments of God?
Is Jesus Christ original "Prophet Yahweh"?
Mentioned in the book entitled, 'The Holy Book of the Prophesied Counselor' as the first man to live on earth. The author, The Prophet Naziyr, writes that "The Prophet Yahweh" lived twice on earth already (1st appearance: Genesis 2:4-7 & Sura 2:30-33; 2nd appearance:Deuteronomy 18:18-19 & Isaiah 53:10), but known to us as Jesus Christ, son of Mary.
"The Prophet Yahweh" is God in the flesh.
The first man on earth was "The Prophet Yahweh."
In the book of Genesis 2:4-7 the Israelites God "Yahweh" or "YHWH" put his spirit in man; becoming a living soul. This first human was called "Adam" which means to make. According to the Holy Quran, this Adam was the first prophet of God (Deuteronomy 18:18-19). His name is "Prophet Yahweh" as mentioned in "The Holy Book of the Prophesied Counselor."
"The Prophet Yahweh" is his name as mentioned in Deuteronomy 18:18-19.
Definition 1: Something or someone that at first, shows great promise and then turns out to be total shit.
Definition 2: Once a great Metal band from Nashville but hasn't really been shit since the second singer left. Main reason the band hasn't gone anywhere? The guitar player thinks he is gods gift to music. He is full of himself and holds the members to high standards that he himself is not subject to. They used to be a really good metal band. But they keep chasing the latest fads and have not maintained any kind of consistency with their sound or lineup since the first singer left. Such a shame and waste of many opportunities.
David Koresh was a real Voodoo Prophet. He lead many of his followers straight to their deaths.
A cool, nice, awesome person who talks about God.
The charismatic young man could deliver a sermon like a rock star, he's a dope prophet.
People who determined if a woman was going to have a baby in 14th century by studying her... uh... urine.
Piss prophets are not good people. Studying your piss to see if you will have babies? Yikes.
A Person who, while driving, prides him or herself in predicting the actions of the driver behind or in-front of them before the driver does it.
DRIVER: Okay he's driving a Buick so that automatically means he's a senior citizen WHICH MEANS he's gonna slow down to at least 10 mph here at this turn because the elderly are as we all know, terrified of taking a turn too fast and running the risk of flipping over their car.
(*the person in the other car does just that*)
DRIVER: I Knew It!
PERSON IN SHOTGUN: Let it Go, You're such a Traffic Prophet!