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daniel rivera

daniel rivera is the perfect man for a leslie! daniel is just so amazing ,caring and lovable. who could turn down a daniel rivera?

Did you see Daniel rivera? man I'm taking him home tonite!

by hhfajsjfke April 25, 2014

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mirthala rivera

a person who is fake to someone named Gaby Esquivel and crys over almost anything. mirthala crys when Ever (her crush that shes obbssed with) hugs anyone. period.

ever: *hugs sophie*
mirthala rivera : *crys*

by 2thicc November 7, 2019

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Alice Aguilar-Rivera

Alice Aguilar-Rivera is a very kind and caring person, alot of the times she may not seem or act like she cares but she does. She's the type of person you want to keep in your life until the day you die because no matter how many wrongs you do she will be there for you, and she needs you there for her even though she doesn't always open up to you it's still important that you be there all the time, so that she doesn't feel alone. Her feelings are something that's difficult to get used to, she could seem like she's mad at you and possibly hurt your feelings even when she doesn't mean to, she just doesn't know how to deal with her feelings or emotions sometimes so she turns it into anger and hatred but that's ok because over all she will be the person you love and care about

Alice Aguilar-Rivera is someone you never want to let go of and try to keep in your life for as long as you can

by Paul walker 2013 December 8, 2021

Hipolito Rivera Jr.

Like a good mystery novel, you never know whats going to happen next.
Hipolitos are misunderstood and may mess things up and make really stupid mistakes. they WILL piss you off!! but will always make up for it if they really want to. they can be a 2 faced prick or the sweetest man alive.
if your dating a hipolito rivera junior your definately NOT a gold digger.
He owns a oldtimer car, but cant drive it, cuz it never works
They may have the name junior, but they're anything but that- hipolito rivera juniors have HUGE MASSIVE COCKS an lucious lips! they are hard working, in EVERY aspect you can imagine. they need lots of TLC from there partners an give it back 150% overall most amazing guys EVER

What can i say Hipolito will always be Hipolito Rivera Jr.

by MinnieMouse12 May 17, 2010

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Jennifer Sura Rivera

The pettiest and meanest bitch who you will ever meet. She will try to make your life miserable. Overall an asshole.

Person 1:omg did you hear what Jennifer Sura Rivera did?

Person 2:yeah she SUCH a bitch.

by Ej. September 19, 2021

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Diego María de la Concepción Juan Nepomuceno Estanislao de la Rivera y Barrientos Acosta y Rodríguez

Supreme alpha male who is a chic magnet.

Diego María de la Concepción Juan Nepomuceno Estanislao de la Rivera y Barrientos Acosta y Rodríguez can take my offspring.

by BahookieBuckaroo January 27, 2021

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mike riveraing

camping in call of duty.

"i didnt want to die so i went mike riveraing

by jim cod November 9, 2011