Rowland academy is a bitch ass school that I had to suffer in for 4 years. I met a lot of people and I made tons of friends…. But I made more enemy’s. The lunch sucks, the school is trash and every floor the halls and classes looks the same. Right now I’m in high school and I’m telling you John harris high school is definitely way better. All these story’s we’ve been hearing about it some are true and some aren’t. If you really want to survive don’t be a pussy. And don’t let people talk shit about you or you I’ll prob get jump. (I just realized that I changed the whole subject) But what I’m trying to say is Rowland academy is a horrible middle school go to marshal or something. Idk you do you. I just had to say this.
Rowland academy sucks.
A piece of salad. The biggest fart you will ever encounter
What's that stuck to the ceiling? Oh, it's just Courtney Rowland