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Scene kids

A large amount of people of both genders, usually from the age of 15-25. They are mostly found in the infamous website, Myspace.com but are also found in livejournal.com and vampirefreaks.com.

Scene kids or "scensters" most of the time aren't "assholes" or "douche bags". It is a 50/50 range when it comes to the personality of a scene person. They are human, just like you, with a personality that is just as unique as your own.

"Scene kids" usually are known for their teased hair or piercings. When honestly, scene kids often range when it comes to their style. A large amount of scene men and women tease their hair, some wear heavy amount of make up (mostly with the women, though.) and other usually stick with a certain clothes brand or style. Usually tight pants/low or v-neck tshirts/lots of jewlery. Scene kids are very creative and are very interesting people.

Scene kids are also very known to be very faithful to music and usually go to many shows. Not only for local bands but also for more mainstream bands. They often know the whole history of many bands and stay devoted fans of music. Not only music but with art and photography. Most scene kids are very great in art and have very amazing artistic skills in photoshop, microsoftpaint, or the open canvas itself. Other are very interested in photography and take many pictures with extremely good cameras (exp: The Minolta, a very good almost professional camera.)

Scene Kids are humans just like you and me and are very unique and range from person to person. It's just who you meet that will make up your mind about scenesters.

"That scene kid's hair is huge!"

"Stay brutal, scene kids!"

by s4bby July 16, 2008

29๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

scene kid

dyed blonde and/ or black hair
usualy also have coon tails
Usualy straighted alot and then backcombed at the back
Hair usualy has very short layers on top with long (often extensions) underneath -very choppy
Side swept fringe, also known as an emo fringe
Black straightened hair, occasionaly back combed at the back
Side swept fringe, also known as an emo fringe
Anything with Hellokitty, Anchors, Bats, Diamonds ect.
Drop dead, Fresh till death, Baby cakes and such are all popular makes
Often wear skinny jeans
Dress sense is very similar to emo but far more colourful and nice looking
Peak caps are also popular
Skinny Jeans
Reasonably tight tops
Drop dead, Fresh till death, Baby cakes and such are all popular makes
Peak caps are also popular
LOTS of foundation till your skin is all one colour
LOADS of eyeliner (even more than emos) usualy with annoying flicky bits at the outer eye
Fake eyelashes are often worn
SOME scene guys wear abit of eyeliner, although it is usualy considered to emo
Jewlery and piercings
Knecklaces with hello kitty, anchors, bats, diamonds, brass knuckles, gloomybear, tapes or any other 'scene' icon on are good
One to many knecklaces should be worn
Favourite peircings for scene girls are lips - snake bites and monroe and nose - septumand Bridge.
Ear stretchers are also considered good
Any other piercings are also acceptable, the more the better
Favourite piercings for scene guys are snake bites, septum and bridge.
Ear stretchers, stretched really big.
Act like you have no emotions, you wouldnt want to be mistaken for an emo
You need to be Br00tal to defend yourself on vanity bands on myspace
Scene Queens, Audrey Kitching, Zui Suicide, Hanna Beth, Jac Vanek, Kiki Kanibal ect.
Ollie Sykes and all that scene
Must have all the online networking sites going, myspace, bebo, facebook, buzznet ect. and have ridiculous amounts of friends on them
Be in as many 'vanity bands' as possible
Listen to people throwing up into micraphones aka bring me the horizon, the devil wears prada ect.
Go to gigs
Must have all the online networking sites going, myspace, bebo, facebook, buzznet ect. and have ridiculous amounts of friends on them
Listen to people throwing up into micraphones aka bring me the horizon, the devil wears prada ect.
Go to gigs
Be in a screamo band
and stuff like that

Im a hardxcore Br00tal scene kid!

by yes please bbz April 9, 2008

23๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

Scene Kids

The Typical Scene Boy:

Hi my name is Stupid Fucking Poser. I'm really insecure so I'm gonna dye my hair black and grow it long so it covers my face because I'm so fucking ugly that no one would like me if it wasn't hidden. And I love following the crowd so I buy girl jeans that don't fit my disgusting body and my small dick is pressed tight against the zipper for all the 14 year old girls to see. God Iโ€™m SO SPECIAL AND UNIQUE.

My best friend is my flat iron and pomade.
I donโ€™t eat carbs but I like The Faint and underage drinking.
My favorite activity is shopping for Converse and trying not to let my pretend girlfriend know that Iโ€™m a fucking faggot.

And every time I go to clubs I have to be REALLY wasted and completely drunk because I secretly have NO personality and all my friends really HATE ME because all I ever do it make out with random ugly kids who are really 15 but somehow got into the club.. and of course I make out with boys that look EXACTLY like me because its cool to pretend Iโ€™m something Iโ€™m not. When I go to Club 82, I pay $8 to sit outside of a patio and smoke other peopleโ€™s cigarettes and talk shit about everyone that has their back turned to me.

When I finally decide to dance to all those lame 80โ€™s songs, I try to dance but really I'm just having a fucking seizure to look cool, even though it never works. I swing my arms in the air and shuffle my feet like I have fucking Parkinsonโ€™s.. and I always pick the dumbest sluttiest girl to grind my crotch against. HEHE.

Sound familiar?

Yeah kill yourself before someone else does.

The Typical Scene Girl:

Hey everyone, is my hair dyed 5 different colors and cut at different angles? Are you sure my neon plastic earrings match my high heels and bra straps because I would CRY if I didnโ€™t fit in with every other whore I know. Should we only talk about boys and clothes and stuff? LIKE OMG ok.

I like vertical stripes and pony tails. I love leg warmers and anything asymmetrical. I wear shirts with only one sleeve and poke-dot mini skirts so you can see my vagina when I try and dance to the Cure.

Sometimes Iโ€™ll dye my hair one bright color in front or in the back so you notice me more but really Iโ€™m just trying to look cool so everyone stares and points. Oh wait it doesn't work because Iโ€™m just a stupid cunt with no style. *twirls hair*

And when I date guys or make out with them: they HAVE to wear eyeliner and tight t-shirts. They HAVE to have more then 1000 friends on My Space and drive a car past the year 2000 because thatโ€™s all that matters. No one cares about feelings, just fuck me in my plastic asshole and tell me how cute I am when my lipstick rubs off on your penis. *pops gum*

I live in Orange County and Iโ€™m still in high school but somehow I got a fake ID so Iโ€™m SO awesome!! My favorite hang out is Club Bang where I can dance in front of all my internet friends and show how dumb I am. Iโ€™m better then everyone else because I know the lyrics to EVERY retarded song played and I can even shake it like one of those trolls in a Lilโ€™ Jon music video.

But whatever, Iโ€™ll just show my tits and everyone will be ok.

Sound familiar?

Yeah I should piss on your face next time any of you get near me.

Look around..Thy're fucking EVERYWHERE.

by _FAG[bot.] August 1, 2005

1287๐Ÿ‘ 1275๐Ÿ‘Ž

Scene Kid

Scene kids are usually the ones who go to cool gigs and pretend they have been a fan for ages. They are addicted to myspace and anything neon. Oh, and they usually can't see due to their hair always being in their eyes!

Scene kids should not be confused with grebs! Grebs are individuals who actually like stuff before it comes into fashion!

Scene kids like to think they are grebs!

Scene Kids:

Scene Boy:
Band t-shirt, usually black or some kind of weird bordering on emo t-shirt. Long dyed black hair with fringe covering eyes, abnormally tight jeans with a checkered belt, and either converses or van slip-ons.

Scene Girl:
Tight t-shirt, usually leopard print. tons of necklaces, usually a bow in their dyed messy hair; hair may have obscure colours in it. Scene girls usually wear a neon tutu with strange tights. and lots of eye make-up! oh, and they almost always love hello kitty!

by rock.it.out. October 30, 2010

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

scene kids

The definition of a scene kid ranges from a badly viewed individual to a narcissistic cunt. My definition is unbiased and only states the facts i believe to be true. A person in their teens who's distorted view on society has them crushed into a style that was once known as the alternative, but has now become bland and unoriginal. they are non-conforming conformists. Seemingly unable to invent anything for themselves, stealing the ideas and traits of the true originals in society, claiming them as their own, and changing the ideas so that it no-longer holds it's first intention. it is a known fact that if you should confront a scene kid to him/her, he/she will take one of two actions, he/she will either deny being a scene kid or point out the hypocrisy in what you say to them. In this sense, some one does not need to look or think any certain way to be considered scene. As long as the commit these actions, they can be described as scene. I am self-aware enough to, not only admit the hypocrisy, but to also understand it. I know that I'm not the pinnacle of original thinking, and I'd be stupid to think so, but these people don't seem to have to capacity to invent and create. they constantly use up their time, money, and energy to look like each other instead of breaking themselves out of the mold they've made. In a strange twist of fate, they have become what they originally rebelled against! The Alternative of the Alternative, ironic isn't?

Hottopic is a store who's main consumers are scene kids.

by the gentlemen thief May 20, 2010

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

scene kids

An even more depressing form of emo kid conformity, know by their hair cuts which swoop in front of their eyes, scarfs, arm warmsers, nose and/or lip rings, girl pants, etc. A good general rule of thumb when trying to tell whether it is a scene kid or emo, if you have to ask wether it is a boy or girl its a scene kid.

"Dude thats a hot scene chick."
"That's Jason!"
"Damn all scene kids look alike."

by indieelitist December 11, 2005

240๐Ÿ‘ 228๐Ÿ‘Ž

scene kids

deriving from the classification of "Emo," usually a good hearted, stylish looking guy or girl who listens to actually really good music that no one has ever heard of. Just because you haven't heard about the band doesn't mean everyone hasn't heard about the band.

Suck it up an let posers be posers and scene kids be scenes...as long as it doesn't screw with your head then you shouldn't worry about it.

by Caralyn Colson April 1, 2007

45๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž