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Muff Scruff

(n:) The hair unfortunately found on a vagina.

When a bitch is to lazy to shave, they probably have a bit of muff scruff on their pussy.

by das jewden November 9, 2009


Most of the population in Burnley

"Look at the scruffy inbred bastard"
"Must be from Burnley"

by Burnleyvigilante May 21, 2023


The most baller dog of the century

Hey have you heard of scruff?
Yeah, I heard he is the most baller dog of the century!

by CAPTAIN_DERP February 1, 2018


a scruff is a wild joesphine haigh

ew look at that scruff

by zyouthwarrior December 1, 2023


a human named joesephine haigh.

josephine haigh is a dirty scruff

by zyouthwarrior December 1, 2023


A silly scruffy ferguson

Mum: Scruff I fucking told you to get your penis out of the chocolate spread, you silly scruff.

by scruffyy July 30, 2021


Something untidy, unorganised.

Ellie's a fat scruff.

by DeICUGuy April 1, 2022