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Pump fakin n booty shakin

When someone is lying and you know it

I was with her last night

Stop pump fakin n booty shakin

by Ave’on smith September 23, 2022

Shakin' like a scared chihuahua

Shaking very violently

Person 1: Hey dude, you're shaking a lot.

Person 2: Yeah, I'm shakin' like a scared chihuahua

by EverydayBellyache November 24, 2020

shakin’ in my gucci boots

An expression of extreme fear

“Are you ready for the orgasmicon
*sylvester stillone gulped*
*kermit the frog stood shakin’ in his Gucci boots*

Shakin’ In my Gucci boots

by Ooey Gooey February 5, 2018