Snus is a Swedish tobacco product, ONLY used by men. It's forbidden for women to consume Snus in any form. For 95% of men in Sweden Snus is considered life essential.
If a man doesn't get his Snus, things escalate quickly. Firstly he will become extremely grumpy, he will through his rage on everybody around him. Second stage starts with heavy breathing and severe shaking. The ultimate consequence is extreme depression.
All women in Sweden thinks Snus is disgusting, however no man ever cared.
Man 1: "Hey man, do you have a Snus?"
Man 2: "Yeah, of course, nothing like saving another man's life."
Snus is a alternative product instead of smoking often used by vikings originated in the Kingdom of Sweden. It's small bag containing milled tobacco leaves that makes every non-swedish person spit and curse.
Do not try Snus if you're allergic to badassness.
Snus is a excellent Norwegian tobacco product normally put under the lip of the user. Its normally "consumed" in a pouch or as snøff.
sis: hello brother mind passing me a SNUS?
bro: No sister i am in the shower!
sis: ight bouta head out
bro: cha cha real smooth
Suck your nuts, basically suck your nutsack, this is a short word for it for flirting.
Can I Snu?
He does make anything expect making you fool.🇮🇳He started when he was 14 and born in India. As he knew that his interest bring him to face. He first started to write his poetry then he took foot on the rhythm. Now he also produce beats (Independently) Now, he is telling you his story about the up's and down's of his life to give you strength not to give up!.
Say hey to Snu
Search it on your favourite search engine. Eg. Google, Bing And Yaaho,Yandex
To have wild passionate sex with someone after a three month dryspell. Snu should be done with caution as there is the potential to become too attached and start calling them "schmoopy".
(Note: Snu requires testing)
1) This girl was giving me snu eyes on the train
2) With all that money I may not require testing before snu.
3) Our star signs match... let's snu.