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soy boy

a man inordinately passionate for soy candles

Oh man, Austin loves his candles, he's a real soy boy.

by mondilator November 18, 2021

3πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

soy boy

Someone you have a desire to do intensely gay and kinky things with.

1: That John Oliver is such a soy boy
2: Woah man put your boner away you can eat his ass later.

by SamusAwry November 27, 2017

141πŸ‘ 631πŸ‘Ž

Soy boy

A buzzword invented and used by conservatives, alt-righters, insecure cishet white-men, etc. Based on a misconception that soy "feminizes" men. They usually apply it to opposition when they have nothing better to say.
The misconception comes from the fact that soy contains "phytoestrogens", which is not in any way similar to ACTUAL estrogen. However, the types of people who throw out this term unironically are usually scientifically illiterate, and don't recognize the distinction.

Person1 : makes a point Person2 disagrees with
Person2 (or incel, if you prefer): Fuck you Commie soy boy SJW cuck! + a million other reactionary buzzwords

by February 8, 2021

6πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Soy boy

Soy boys ironically are the people that call other people soy boys for having decency. They’re usually alt-right or roam in that political area. They are short and either skinny-fat or obese. These are the types of people who say an anime character relates to them and cry if their favorite anime character dies.

Despite them using soy boy to describe someone who believes in basic equality, they are also around 14-17 and are virgins.

Jimmy, β€œomg look at that guy ordering a veggie burger, what a soy boy”
Chad, β€œyou’re calling that vegan guy a soyboy despite him being 6’4 and having bigger arms than your legs? I think you need to reevaluate your definition.”

by Gigachad June 11, 2021

5πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

soy boy

a vibrator or other dildo. So-called because it's a meat substitute.,

Gf sez: "Let me have 20 minutes with the soy boy, then I'll be ready for you."

by jd909 August 5, 2009

91πŸ‘ 671πŸ‘Ž

Soy boy

Soy boy: noun: soy boy

A phrase used typically to describe men whom do not show typical things that make a man a man such as: Grilling, a nice moustache, stregth, rough housing, or anything along those lines
The phrase is typically referring to men whom lack these things and are typically feminist, or vegan. The term can also be related to men who smile with there mouth wider then a garage door, have a beard that is half a mile long, cry there ass off when Starbucks is out of caramel machiotto, and anything along those lines. While vegan soy boys really don’t care because they are used to it, the feminist soy boys like to scream shame at the top of there lungs. Soy boys might also: cower at the presence of a real man, have testosterone levels lower then an old ass man in a wheel chair.

While this phrase is commonly (according to feminist) used by women hating right wing conservatives which is completely wrong. Soy boys usually deny their status and call you a soy boy. But as usual they are cuck fucks to the leftist party

Manly man β€œWhy are you crying,”
Soyest of all boys β€œst-Starbucks is out of caramel machiotto,”
Manly man β€œ the fu-
Soyest of boys β€œOMG are you criticizing me?!”
Manly man β€œ what no,”
Manly man β€œ(laughing) ha Soy boy”
Soyest of boys β€œ omg you didn’t just call me that you racist, bigot, xenophobic, transphobic, feminist hating man!?”
Manly man *walks away dying of laughter*

by An averageCallofDuty sweat April 19, 2019

25πŸ‘ 155πŸ‘Ž

Soy boy

Sika deer hunter, non ppe wearing, Harley Davidson owner, bearded dodge owner the one and yes the only Steve koontz the founder and creator of the Soy Boy Nation

Your a soy boy.

by Steve koontz October 24, 2018

3πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž