Usually, cows tend to live for 18 years. No longer than 18 :)
The life span of cows is 18 years. I guess my sister is dying in a few days
When you do something that causes other members of the team to do unscheduled work. When you break something so bad, you need someone else to fix it.
I got spanned last night, had to rebuild the server. I can't work on that right now because I got spanned this morning.
When you fall off the border at the age of 12
Roberto has the life span of a beaner he died at the age of 12 because he was to fat to fit over the border
The measure of the distance between ones arms.
My arm span is longer than you.
Its a reject clone of Dan that is Spanish
That was Spanish Dan, I called him Span
Ty: Can I borrow your headsets
Sam: Sure
Ty: Do they span
Sam: Yeah
South African, Durban, Indian slang terminology
Alot of something
There was span people at the concert