When someone is acting so much like a retard that they are different than your average retard
Damn Jose, you are a special species of retard.
Jesus Luis, are you a special species of retard?
When a therian or otherkin gets species dysphoria from losing a rap battle.
Great, I told my antikin friend that I'm otherkin and he dissed me so hard I got species dissphoria.
A group of 2 or more people that gain supernatural/strange abilities. (such as advanced manifestation or predictions of people or relationship's.) that strengthen the longer they know the other individual.
I think we have species omega effect ties!
The Greatest Kind of person.
he will accept you and give you anything you ask for.
Respect him and
"Did you see Carl? Yeah, He's Totally a Speci Bubo Virgin
Worse than your genus suck penus. Not to be taken lighlty. Instantly vaporizes victim and family, into oblivion where not even god himself could save them.
Denier of holocaust: i can't be real there's no way that many Jews could've died.
Me: shut up, ur species eat feces
* Instantly has brain anuerism and collapses to floor and succumbs to seizure*
Species V.S Kinds: A kind of animal references a dog or cat; there are many cat sub-species and dogs following the flood. An animal kind is vastly different from that of any other (dogs and cats). However, a species originates from a kind of animal (chihuahuas and husky’s are both one animal kind—dog). Furthermore, Natural selection provides Evangelical truth for God giving animals the ability to reproduce and adapt to the new environments after the flood. Consequently, there are different animal species derived from their animals kinds that have grown in number as is the Creation Mandate.
Species V.S Kinds are often mistaken for other concepts and ideas, causing confusion among people and how or why Creationism is to be accepted.
any of the various parts of the plant from which hashish, marijuana, bhang, and similar mildly euphorogenic and hallucinogenic drugs are prepared, part of the hemp plant you extract marijuana from, the flowering tops of the plant.
man, dat cannibus specie was damn good last night.