Source Code

Cheeky Sue

The phrase used for a bad dealer. They can be trying to sell you anything but they have to be bad at doing so. Being late, mean and sorting a bad deal.

"Yo, you got the puks?"
"yea il be there in 5 mins"
5 hours later
"where are you?"
"yo im round the corner il be there in 2"
2 hours later
"yo im nearly there"
"nah, it dosn't matter, your the biggest cheeky sue"

by WillLovesStickyIcky July 21, 2009

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Sodexo Sue

A lunch lady that works in the College-in-the-Woods dining hall of Binghamton University. She is often seen sitting at the cash register with her right arm behind her back, rocking, and mumbling to herself (this is just speculation but she may be a witch and her mumbling may be her cursing you) and yelling at the students.

"Dude I just saw this lunch lady pick her scabs off her arm!"
other guy: "Oh, that must be Sodexo Sue."

by BUstudent November 27, 2011

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Vin sue

A joke that isn't funny.... AT ALL!
Nomatter how hard you try to laugh.

Person 1: "Why did the chicken cross the road?"
Person 2: ....
Person 1: "Because it's a chicken"

Person 2: ..."That's vin sue"

by bob bobfsdfsd September 8, 2006

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Sue Doug

v. 1: To have sexual relations with a close friend's mother.
v. 2: To bang a good friend's hot MILF of a mom.

I pulled a Sue Doug on Joe's mom last night! Patty is a firecracker!

by RYANBG August 19, 2009

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From the Les Miserables fandom

An uncharacteristically beautiful, smart, and totally sane version of Eponine from Victor Hugo's 'Les Miserables' in fanfiction. Wins over either Marius or Enjolras, because who'd want that bitch Cosette anyways? Annoying beyond belief Mary-Sue.

The phrase 'omg!!!1!1!! i luv eponine. i can so realate 2 her!!!11! marius/eponine 4eva!!11!' is often used by witers of bad Eppie-Sue fics.

by iLikeMuffins100 December 10, 2009

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fat sue

a guaranteed, slightly overweight concubine usually done in the biblical sense after much drinking while totally ignoring her, then dragging her to do the nasty at 1:45AM. She must always be appreciative, and go away when deed is done!

Man, Bob grabbed fat Sue again last night. oh well, better than rosey palm! booty}

by Bob from catland January 6, 2012

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Bang Sue

The most disappointing subway staton in Bangkok.

I'm going to bang Sue!

by disappointed2342344 November 13, 2009