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Legendary Super Saiyan

The Green haired transformation used by Broly (Z).


Not to be confused with the Yellow Haired form also referred to as THE Legendary Super Saiyan.

But why it is kinda Green? -TFS Goku Reacting to Legendary Super Saiyan

by Topax February 29, 2024

I have turned Super Saiyan now.

Super Saiyan: A form in the Dragon Ball franchise. Used to announce that you have developed terminal cancer that you will not survive.

Person 1: Hey, I have turned Super Saiyan now.
Person 2: No way bro, I'm so sorry for you.

by mmmmahyes August 10, 2022

Super Saiyan Rage

The Form achieved by Trunks in Dragon Ball Super (DBS). It only appears in the Anime.

Trunks gets a blue aura and loses his pupils while using this form. It’s never seen again after this.

This form is an Ass pull. That’s why it’s Super Saiyan Rage.

by Topax February 29, 2024

Super Saiyan Dick 2

Super Saiyan Dick: A dick that gets larger and larger at a rate proportional to how much the wielder is aroused. It is a dangerous tool that can end in the mutually destructive act of ramming.
Super Saiyan Dick 2: A dick that gets larger and larger at a rate proportional to how much the wielder is aroused. It is a dangerous tool that can end in the mutually destructive act of ramming. Which each thrust the amount of sperm increases.


"It looks like Rachel is having trouble walking.
"Yeah. I heard she took some super saiyan dick last night. I'm surprised she's still moving"

"She said she could take super saiyan dick, but I almost split her in half."

"I shouldn't have done it with her. She wasn't enough to handle super saiyan dick 2."

by jhyfrvi7t April 11, 2022

Super Saiyan 100

Its fake. Highest Super saiyan form is 4 right now.

My power is Multiplied x100! The difference between a super saiyan and a super saiyan 100 is just x100 times more stronger,

by LeagueOfDavid February 7, 2019

Full Power Super Saiyan

The Super Saiyan form Achieved by Broly (DBS) In Dragon Ball Super: Broly. The Form has Green hair.

It’s Full Power Super Saiyan. (Yea it’s a stupid name)

by Topax February 29, 2024

Super Saiyan Infinity

Super Saiyan Infinity is the strongest form of the Super Saiyan transformation to ever exist. Though not canon, this form is so powerful that it can destroy the entire multiverse before you even notice. If he is careless enough to pull a finger, an entire solar system will seize to exist.

Guy 1 asks: Hey you know anything that can beat even beat Beerus?
Guy 2 says: Super Saiyan Infinity.

by DesTehPoor January 5, 2022