Is a Drrr Burger born at greasy grove.
Shane Swanson is displayed on top of the restaurant at greasy grove.
SWON-suhn-ize ('swɑn • sʌn • aɪz)
Term coined by Robert E. Swanson during his 1975 speech about train horns; it means to turn an otherwise noisy and jarring sound source into something musically pleasing
After having perfected the sound of trains, I wanted to see if I could swansonize ships to sound more respectable.
A cool guy with some rad shades and some sick ball moves.
DAYUMMM, look at Jared Swanson crossing that ball over in them rad shades!!!
Swanson Line:
Named after Joe Swanson from family guy. The Swanson Line separates disabled people into two categories. Datable and non datable. For example, joe from family guy is a paraplegic but he is strong, smart and a very capable police officer. Joe is right on the line. A little more disabled and he would be below the Swanson Line and therefore not datable. A little less disabled, and he would be clearly acceptable as someone to date or even marry.
Other examples:
Stephen Hawking: smartest man on earth and rich but just too disabled to be a viable partner. He is below the Swanson Line.
Jim Abbott:
Amputee and athlete. Clearly disabled but not nearly disabled enough to hurt his chances. He is an example of being above the Swanson Line
I lost my arm when I was a kid, but it wasn't until I also lost my legs and ended up in a wheelchair that I dropped below the Swanson Line.
beautiful handsome respectful gentlemen that yells very appropriate words at other gamers on the platform. A Rust Farmer and A Very Respect Gentlemen to his so now girlfriend luna
That guy has to be a TJ Swanson
One of the best television show characters out there. Bodonn Swanson's Wild Adventure was a hit show that began to blossom and show much success to the youth with a good slapstick comedy
Have you seen the new Bodonn Swanson episode?
Getting a hand job from your Mother In Law
I went to my family Thanksgiving dinner and got THE SWANSON.