1.(verb) to be swept up by ocean water and tumbled around
2.(noun) daredevil
3.(noun) swaggering swordsman
I really want to be swashbuckled by another wave.
Someone who pirates movies, video games, or other media.
Danny: So, as you may know, I recently downloaded John Carpenter’s “The Thing”.
Tim:You fucking swashbuckler
Slang for a big-bootied, rum-chugging individual who drunk-raids MMOs on their weekend.
Nah, Jini can't hang out right now. She's busy being a swashbuckler right now.
1. An adventurous person who seeks pleasure from high adrenaline sports, activities or situations.
2. A lover of hedonistic sex and polyamory relationships during travels around the world.
3. One who kicks ass with various tools that are immediately available to him, unlike the use of a sword of ancient time, the modern SWASHBUCKLER actions may be synonymous with extreme street fighting techniques.
4. One who displays a carefree attitude while seeking pleasure with the opposite sex.
He is just a swashbuckler, having sex on the beaches of far-away lands, having wild parties in the jungles of Mexico, Colombia and drinking unresponsively.
Derogatory term; one who seldom swabs the deck, especially a patchee.
Be ye swabbing yon deck or ye be walking the plank, ye swashbuckling swagger!
One who engages in jovial escapades and fantastic trips and voyages often times plundering raiding and looting for booty (pun intended). Inside the rectal region or ass with great abandon.
Nobody realized that Juan was a rectal Swashbuckler until we saw him go inside the club with the long line of all men out front.