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A term used by locals in New England towns to distinguish themselves from the hordes of tourists who flood their towns every summer. Townies are not necessarily natives, just the working class citizens of a New England tourist town.

Unlike Townies in a college town, Townies in a tourist town hold the term in high regard.

We hang out at Geno's because it's a townie bar.

Townie's avoid the Old Port (Portland Maine) in the summer because of all the inlanders and Mass-holes are always asking for directions.

by dangerwilrobinson July 13, 2010

10👍 3👎


Social rejects who hang around in groups of 10-50.

Males often seen wearing dirty, worn out rockport boots, burberry socks with luminous green adidas tracksuit bottoms tucked into them, a burbery cap and a nike hoodie over the top (with the hood being worn up), coated with a can of lynx. the hair is gelled into a solid quiff, normally dyed blonde.

Females vary between two types. Type one: the tramp.

The tramp wears similar clothes to the male, if not the same, except topped off with a "great value!" gold necklace from elizabeth duke at argos, often with a clown pendant. 4-16 gold creoles will also be worn in the ears, and a large tacky belly-button piercing is necessary. Type two, the tart wears the same jewelerry except adds 60 grams of orange, blue and pink make up, a pair of tight jeans with "babe" or "angel" written on the ass (only £3 from the local market) and a t-shirt with a similar phrase on it. This is topped off with a pink or baby blue caridigan with "EST 1980" or "TEAM" written across the front in huge white letters. The hair is pulled back into an abnormally tight bun which pulls their skin so much that they cant move their face, other than to chew some stolen wrigleys extra from the local corner shop (oh no sick man).

The music can vary from dance, to pop, to rnb and hip-hop eg Sean Paul, Mis-teeq, Beyonce Knowles, 50 Cent etc. Anyone who does not listen to this music is instantly labelled as a "freak". Same goes for the clothes.

To find a townie, I suggest you look in the following places: bus shelters, mcdonalds, park benches, phone boxes, outside corner shops, and anywhere is the general area of a rough council housing estate.

Communicaing with townies is often difficult considering the fake jamaican accents and unnecessary amounts of slang. Here are a few common phrases to get you started:

Fock ya mom - I have a pinner.
Mo' fockin cuzzen'll fockin batta ya - I would fight you but my 600 grams of hair gel havent dried yet.
Nah man stink - You've offended me.
Sick (pronounced sick-AH) - Word used to describe something of townie approval.

They often have nicknames such as:


You can witness these on various lampposts and bus shelters throught Great Britain.

Townie: Oooom ya fockin lookin' at mate!!! *spits*
Innocent passer-by: I wasn't.
Townie: OH NO! Stink!
Innocent passer-by: 0o'

by ricecake January 3, 2004

14👍 6👎


Generally people living in South Mumbai (Bombay) are addressed by this term. From a geographical perspective this is south of dadar.
Townies are supposed to be generally well off compared to other Mumbai-ites and have better educational qualifications than the rest of the city residents. They are also known for their affinity to western culture, affluent lifestyle & fake american accents.

It will be very difficult to date her, she is a townie!

by nontownie September 26, 2011

7👍 2👎


People who grew up and live in any town, village, or city with a college or university.
Usually their only employment is something that overcharges students. Otherwise, they are drunk, or make/ smoke meth, have many children& are prone to beating homosexuals and leaving them to die outside the afore-mentioned town.

"Getta load of that nasty townie broad! I bet she has 4 kids and 6 guys payin child support!"

by buzzsaw February 20, 2004

55👍 35👎


Any person from a town (as opposed to someone from the country). Meant offensively and aimed at those who have a twisted view of the world because they have spent all their lives in towns and therefore think they are superior to everyone else.

In towns, this word means something quite different. See most of the other definitions on this page.

Fucking townies driving through our village! Get a brick.

by Jarf October 9, 2003

12👍 5👎


A low life individual who "start" on anyone who they see fit without any sense of morality. They are always on the wrong side of the law, but never seem to get into trouble. They take great pleasure in beating up "Greebo's" and "Goths" (Pronouced Sweaty greebs and dirty goffics by them) They all seem to be in one big family, and it seems that if you hit one you hit them all

"Ey you dirty goffic 'ittin me, I'm gonna get me grandad's sister's auntie's nephew's brother's cousin's son's bruva on ya"

by broken_heartagram January 20, 2004

15👍 8👎


Well, lets start with the obvious shall we, a townie is from the TOWN. they have rules to which they must adhere at all times to avoid being 'fuckin' batad' by their 'cru'. contrary to popular belief, townies to do not favour buying cheap, tacky fake jewellery or 'bling' at argos, as this would be far to expensive. instead they head to the local market where they use their natural townie or chav instincts to search out and obtain the biggest knuckle duster they can find. Whilst 'daan da markit' they may also spy a rather fetching 'trackie' possibly of neon colouring and fake branding (ie. nuke, adidat etc) they will purchase this outfit and wear it, trousers being tucked into their socks. Those amongst them who dare to be different (heaven forbid) may wear, along with said tracksuit bottoms, a jacket embroidered with the words 'boston', 'babe' etc. The females of this species (origins are uncertain, although scientists are doing research) will wear their hair scraped back on their heads. It is also very likely they will have used the contents of Boots’ stock room of hairspray so not one lump or bump is visible. The males will not have this problem as they have no hair, simply a shaved head and a cap placed carefully at 90 degrees to their empty heads. (they must also have a black eye so as to gain the respec of their ‘posse’) Finally, if you are unable to spot a townie, hang around a group of mopeds and soon enough, their owners (being townies) will saunter bak, wankered on cheap cider but pretending (cuz they’re hard) that they’re sober. They will spot you and start walking over (the distinctive ‘i’ve got a shit trying to escape from my back passage’ walk) claiming they’re gonna ‘fuckin batta ya’ if you don’t move away from they’re “expensive transportation”. This is your clue to laugh and then floor them if they piss you off a bit. Or if you’re just a bit bored.

example = any loser who can't understand words with more than one syllable.

by ben dover September 29, 2004

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