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tamale trolley

A car usually found in the varrio used to haul around homies to various events to include drive-bys, drug runs and bunch fucks.

Hey ese, let me borrow your tamale trolley to go down to Eastern Ave. to get some gorilla biscuits.

by Blazehaze69 February 14, 2008

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Tamale Fever

When a woman is interested in only men of latino origin. Most likely interested in a sexual way. These women generally range from 16 to the early 30s where their sexual flare turns into a more romantic interest. Is used in the same way as Jungle Fever is used.

"O Money has some bad tamale fever k-pain"- G cizzle

by G Cizzle November 6, 2011

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Hot Tamale

When you repeatedly smack a girls ass while shitting in her eye, and sing hot tamale, hot hot tamale.

i really enjoyed that hot tamale last night

by loopy20 January 20, 2009

12๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž

hot tamale

When a less than classy gentlemen places a piece of chew or chaw or tobacco in his mouth and proceeds to go down on an unsuspecting girl. The results burn.

Last night I gave my girlfriend Vicki a hot tamale, courtesy of Coppenhagen.

by Harvey June 30, 2004

15๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž

hot tamale

When you are doing a girl, you know doggie style, when you are about to cum you spit on her back, she thinks you came on her, she turns to show affection then you shoot your load on her face.

my slut did not like the dirty sanchez so I washed it off with a hot tamale!

by jill February 15, 2005

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hot tamale

A hot tamale is when you're doing a girl in the ass and you tell her you want head. You tell her to close her eyes and before you stick it in you cover your penis in tobasco sauce. The result is obvious.

"Haha, yeah I gave my girlfriend a hot tamale last night and her mouth is still burning...then again, so is my dick."

by JHZildjian December 7, 2006

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Tamale Ass

A sensation that occurs when someone digests more than ten in one day, so later your asshole burns because of the amount of tamales digested.

"Omar has a serious tamale ass."

by Dr. Diabeetus November 8, 2016

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