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The best friend you could ever have.

Antonio is the GOD of all.

by boodyuvjeycfewuchvhsvefc September 11, 2020


A super cute guy and an overall nice boy.his smile is great!

Nobody:Wow antonio is so cute!
Bailey:Back off he is mine!

by Mr.shooks fav. March 3, 2019


A sweet loving guy who is tall and funny he is Hispanic and loves watching anime he is a girl magnet and is always there for his friends he doesn't play very many sports but he most likely plays football and or soccer he is very cute he is honest and trustworthy and will keep a long lasting relationship he is a really good kisser too.

A; Hey who's the new boy?

B; oh! That's antonio.

Stephanie; he's cute!

by Itching and burning October 15, 2019


man who is described to be utterly amazing in every way. A person who will make you feel like a trillion bucks by even taking you to The mall. An Antonio is very good looking and usually Lightskin man. He is dependable, smart, and will love you with all of his heart. Every girl dies to have an Antonio, Antonio goes good with a girl named raven,but the girl that has one is the luckiest girl on the planet.

Antonio is amazing

by Aasaaasdd March 26, 2019


Antonio’s are one of a kind. They are very open minded and very intelligent. They are normally really hot but don’t date a lot of people. They are very loyal and take things one step at a time. He will always be there for you if your his friend or lover. He doesn’t like being alone but he is one of the chillest people ever. If you know an Antonio get to know him u won’t regret it.

Antonio is one of my best friends, he’s so chill and nice.

Antonio is super loyal and will keep a promise for sure.

by Edelman11219 November 19, 2019


Antonio is an itailain name,antonio Means "High praise"The high praise is from a rome clan back in the 800's.its also a baby name,witch means anybody named antonio has an unique abilty to bring good luck,or karma to anyonenot proven yet.The Praise in antonio come from the irish side aswell from the scottish.The prasie is from both sides witchs means its possible for the antonio has the possible of changing meanings if the person has the name antonio has a different personailty from others choices.when the person who is names antonio gets depression,the meaning becomesMiserary

Antonio is a good person Anybody who has this person in there lifehas a good chance of mamy things happening to them.But when antonio is is i is blue you must cheer him up or you could have no one kn your life

by Name Meanigs September 30, 2019


Antonio is a fucking hottie. He is VERY handsome, and his dick is just as big as his ego, mind you, his ego is HUGE!!! He is a trustworthy person, but if you get on his bad side, he'll be a nightmare. He's great in math, but even better in bed. His first girlfriend is always named Amelia, and his second is always Emerson Buckley. If you have an Antonio, never let him go, especially if you're in the fifth grade. I'm in the fifth grade, and my name is Emerson Buckley. I absolutely LOVE having him in bed. His dick feels so good against my tight pussy. His moans are music to my ears.

Emerson: Hey Antonio, I'm ready for your huge, bulging cock.


by hungryforsexemerson April 18, 2018

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