the prettiest girl i’ve ever met. gay, obviously.
who’s her name?
they’re karin.
what a gay name
A female name typical to the Russian oligarchy, a girl who's given this name is likely to be from a family of oligarchs.
Person 1: do you know Karin?
Person 2: no, but by her name I guess she got lots of them rubels.
Karin is a wise man and his role model is to act without acting and to teach without saying a word.
He is the one who can contemplate the harmony of the Whole to reproduce in his life the image of the intelligible model of the upper world, his guide being virtue, as are the stars for navigators.
Karin knows beauty and then she knows what falsehood is, she distinguishes goodness and therefore knows evil.
The wise man achieves what interests him because he does not insist and obtains results without forcing. He is also good but without going to extremes, because behind the extremes comes evil. He does not act, he does not intervene, the perfect man dedicates himself to the task of doing nothing in his forces and depending on his God.
Don’t let him go, if Karin love you...
Someone that is just so annoying that doesn't repect the drip and has a smug face.
She will always be like that and thinks that she's always right
Karin verhust: i did not asked. Well i asked!!!
Wow your such a karin
when you want to make a unholly dooing to Karin's mouth.
You see Nido, You say: Karin u usta.