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One of the best games ever invented! 8 Mario party's and 3 Paper Mario's but it's not going to end there.It is an arcade game made by Nintendo, released in 1983 and later ported to many home systems. It was a spin-off of the Donkey Kong series, and heavily influenced by Joust. It was the first game to feature Mario's name in the title. It was also the debut of Mario's brother, Luigi. Unlike Donkey Kong, where he was a carpenter, in this game Mario became a plumber, exterminating pests who exit from pipes.

Mario is the best game EVER!

by bloodkill June 26, 2007

47๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž


Always kind sometimes gets frustrated easily but always funny and careing to people he meets.

Mario seemed mad when he was entering class but once I saw him after words he was funny as always.

by Gustinehighshygirl December 29, 2015

7๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


An Italian plumber does mushrooms and saves a princess from a dinosaur-thing who probably just wants to get laid. Same variation of that story every game. Nobody cares (well, some people,) because game play matters more.

Not surprisingly, it's Nintendo's crown jewel.

Its-a-me, MARIO!

by Wagstarr November 21, 2011

6๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


A iconic video game character but is kind of a simp because he risks is life just to save the princess peach

MarIo Is A plUMBer yOu KnoW

by Turn_off_safe_search_sonic_69 June 10, 2020


dat guy from a video game

mario time lel

by Haapsalu April 11, 2018


A guy who has a brother named Luigi that works as a plumber,
never actually does his job because some princess named after a fruit keeps getting kidnapped by a literal turtle.

Mario - "Look! it's from bowser!"
Mario - " 'Dear pesky plumbers....."

by literally just a bicycle September 7, 2021


A video game about an Italian plumber who is born in America, speaks English, and looks like a Mexican. The mario games are lots of fun

"I really like playing that Mario Kart game!

by Manlyman654 December 10, 2016