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Mike Tyson Special

While a girl is sucking your dick, you proceed to uppercut her jaw.

Todd: "Yo Tim, why is there blood on your pants?"
Tim: "Well you see Todd, I just Mike Tyson Special'ed a bitch."

by Croix Boi May 20, 2019

1👍 1👎

The Mike Tyson Theory

F***ing someone the opposite sex the way the same sex would f*** them until they love you.

Last night I tried The Mike Tyson Theory and I f***ed my boyfriend in the a** until he loved me.

by Nunyabiznaz92 April 22, 2021

Mike Tyson Bite

1.When you take one big ass bite of your Wendy's T-Rex Burger violantly and out of a spontaneusly action often influenced by extreme munchies.
2. Or: You are a famous boxer who is influenced by an excessive use of cocaine ...and bite of a chunk of your opponents ear.

1. "Yoo Stephen don't you look at my burger like you bout to take a Mike Tyson Bite of it!"
2. "Damn this dude must be hungry af when he starts eating goddamn ears! That was one nasty Mike Tyson Bite."

by Plain ¥ogurt February 12, 2017