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Neapolitan cream pie

When you pull it out of the litter box, and it’s got strawberry vanilla and chocolate frosting.

After riding the rectum, hard, he left him with a Neapolitan cream pie.

by Ebeneezer the lady pleaser November 18, 2022

Neapolitan Creampie

The act of getting the tasty trifecta of sequential oozing creampies in a row from three different men who are arranged side by side watching each other cum in another man's wife.

"Hey Hubby, I'm going to be home late from work, I have to stop by a friend's house get a Neapolitan Creampie. I'll call you when I'm on the way home. "

by Recalcitrate March 28, 2023

Neapolitan Knickers

Noun 1- British Slang for the stained, malodorous and curiously damp underwear worn by women of ill repute. So called because of their distinctive 3 stripes of colour Red, Brown and Yellow.

"Blimey! Look at 'er Neapolitan Knickers! they must be three yards across"

by Pissy McTakerton November 7, 2013

Neapolitan fuck puddle

The after affects of having anal sex with or without consent consisting of shit, Semen and blood

I’m really getting sick and tired of my roommate leaving his Neapolitan fuck puddles all over the couch

by The Jeep nut February 3, 2022

Forbidden Neapolitan

When a guy cums in a girls ass while shes on her period. The mixture of fluids make for a colourful delicacy.

"You hung out with your girl? I thought she was on her period this week?"

"We did the forbidden Neapolitan"

by Jablow October 7, 2020

Neapolitan Ice Cream

When you stick your fingers in a girl’s asshole, scoop out some shit, rub it in her pussy while she’s on her period, and cum in her.

Man, yesterday I fingered your sisters butthole while she was on her period, then I came in her and made the best Neapolitan Ice Cream

by Fefe 209 December 22, 2019

Neapolitan ice cream

1 a nickname for sarv

2 an ice cream made of chocolate vanilla and strawberry

1 sarv s nickname is Neapolitan ice cream

2 ice cream

by A.Girl.O.T.I July 19, 2021