A sex position, where you smash her in missionary, look intensly in her eyes and shout out - GLADIUSSSS!!!!!
I was going to go to hers and give her some love making, then i decided nashhhh, i will do the perp
When one is both perplexed and blissful
Right now Im totally perp-blissful-lexed
Fake, not true, just for show.
I don't know why Kevin is in that perped out engagement. He still be with other females.
She is a beautiful, brilliant, kind and bravest girl. She's sentimental and loves her family and friends the most.
Perpetual is every responsible man's dream girl. She's such a pearl. Irreplaceable.
Perps is beautiful. I want to love her always.
A perpitrator of a crime.
'The perp was a class A scumbag by the name of Zab Hekko. He was an ugly slab of pure evil.'
Pulsar-Effect Role-Play
A Massively Multiplayer Online, First Person Shooter (MMO FPS) gamemode on the game Garry's Mod.
Wanna play PERP and base with me, make some money?
Wanna go raid some people on PERP?