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teh should be chicago sevened

( ((><)) ) fuck you assholes

by die June 28, 2004

36๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž


Also known as a professional liar, a politician is a person who makes their career off of constantly lying, cheating, blackmailing and intimidating their way to the top. A politician is a master at convincing others to fall for whatever lies they might tell them, even if they're insanely obvious just by looking at them.

Politicians are also comparable to a mafia crime boss, as many of the higher up politicians have the police in their back pocket, and they're not afraid to sic their associates on someone they don't like when they have something to say that could threaten their spot.

Politicians throughout history have also committed acts that would have seen normal people get thrown in prison, such as ordering assassinations (Lyndon Johnson), rigging elections (Donald Trump), sexually assaulting women (Brett Kavanaugh), and stealing (Richard Nixon).

If you ever see a politician on TV doing a speech, giving an interview, running a campaign ad, or anything else, it's in your best interest that you don't trust any of them

Only a fool would trust a politician

by Metallicajunkie October 5, 2018

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something that everyone should aim for and fire till it falls.

politicians suck decomposing elephonky dick

by judahwar July 12, 2011

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The most overpowered class in real life

Politicians can control milions of people at once and do whathever they wish with them.

by Qinetix June 18, 2011

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Someone who is miraculously always "misquoted" and whose words are "taken out of context".

After the politician was caught on camera saying that he hated the country, the politician said that his words were taken out of context. The context was that he didn't know he was being recorded.

by FalseAgent August 19, 2016

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Politicians make me sick. They think they can just sit back and pocket the tax money we work hard to earn. We give it to the government to help US in return. But does that happen? NO. You get some nut like Reagan spending Billions of dollars on a "star wars defense system." "You see, it works by beaming a laser into space, where it bounces off a satilite, destroying a nuclear warhead, or any missile." But what happens if that missile DOES contain a nuke? It doesnt just go away. No. The radiation from the blast would spread throughout the ENTIRE world carried by the wind at the altitude it would be destroyed. Good idea? No.

you, your friends, and my dick.

by etta-nay December 16, 2004

35๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž


If you're black and you support Trump, do you ever ask yourself whether he would do the same for you when you get kicked off the plane for not wearing a mask? Do you also ask yourself whether Biden is any better for trying to force you to wear one?

No matter what they tell you, a politician is not on your side. They dont give a fuck about you or your vote, it's a number to them. You're old enough to know this already.

by Solid Mantis October 21, 2020