A museum to remind you that the world is a tolerant place where nothing can go wrong.
Taken From Drawn Together
"I just went to the Museum Of Tolerance."
A museum that's still standing after almost 150 years.
New Yorkers wouldn't allow the wildfire to take their Museum of Natural History (or library, or art museum) from them, even if it was getting replaced by a building with more space, and New York has added lots of people since the museum was built, so why would people from other cities allow someone to take their museum and tear it down, even if they were convinced that something bigger and better would replace it, or that they needed a space that wasn't outdated and old, in favor of something new?
A museum that was there before several generations of new guards and will be there after these next generations as long as it and other beloved people, places, and things live on in the people.
The Museum of Natural History will always face the adversity of being threatened with wildfire (and so far is still standing strong in it's face), but New Yorkers know how to tell a wildfire to go fuck itself when a new guard tries to come in and walk all over what's already there and has been around the block a few times, or what's left of what was already there if some things have already been taken.
museum clams is a word that expresses general joy and or excitement and is well-known in the splatoon community.
You just won a tournament? that's very museum clams
A word that generally expresses joy, but can be used in any situation. The word was coined by splatoon player BPancakes.
You just killed a child? that's very museum clams of you.
1) A museum in the Lake District (England) which fathers love to reference to their children when asked in the car "where are we going?"
2) Fuck your dirty mind, this is not a sexual reference
Child: "where are we going?"
Father: "to the pencil museum!"
Child: "that sounds boring!"
Father: "ikr"