Newly formed Australian slang word used to refer towards something that is small/short which has a foul odour. Usually used as a non offensive playful insult. Basically the nice way of saying that shorty stank:)
Bros so short, he took away the S from stinky.
Person 1: damn did that bih just fart?!?
Person 2: heh… she a lil tinky
opposite of kinky, out of pocket or out of the ordinary
unh unh she so tinky
When a boy scout craps his pants
Evin got his award today for doing a tinky in his tent.
An insult for Some one who only eats the cream out of the middle of a Twinkie
That turtle swallowing bitch Brandon eats tinkies
Hot mechanic, works very hard, looks very attractive, loves tools and getting dirty, is also the manliest man there is.
hes so strong, hes such a tinkie
A mysterious being.
"Phebe, we're going to the land of the mushrooms, fairies and the tinky tinks!"