Hooking up with your past conquests.
It's not cheating if you're tomb raiding.
A PG way of saying you are getting some ass.
Person 1- Where is Tyrone?
Person 2- oh, he is tomb raiding Ole girl.
A game that is a cod lobby but people there can hardly speak English.
As of 2024, Tomb Raider 2013 Multiplayer is dead, which should've been years ago. It was pretty fun, but all good things must come to an end.
A cruel person who tells a person to leave a person alone in a hurtful way, and inconsiderate for anyone's feelings. And someone who plays very unfair with someone, never believing anybody because of males, and disrespects others opinions, also a person who hates men. And someone who wants to get rid of males, an unfair gamer, an unfair remarking person, a Liar, a troll.
Person 1:Hey mike, i want to play tag with you :D
Person 2:Sure :)
Person 3:include me, *tags person 1*
Person 1:*glares at person 3* Don't touch me you ebola punk
Person 3:But i washed my hands...
Person 1:I don't believe punks like you.
Person 3:Why are you such a tomb tainer to certain people... :(
Tongue feels as dry as a mummy.
I need to soak my tomb tongue in a gelatinous mix for an hour.