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when a man swinging is thing around making it slap is legs and other parts of the body, causing a clapping sound.

- clap clap clap clap - a whole bunch of turbulence! a whole bunch of turbulence!

by 089789678 February 15, 2024


Primarily, an airplane experiencing wind disturbance whilst in flight.

The plane went through a bit of turbulence.

by Kashi hishitori July 17, 2023


When a male speicie claps his balls by jumping to make a loud noise called Turbulence. It causes a lot of commotion similar to having a "gyat".

Boy : *jumps up and down, balls go flying, loud sounds coming from down there*
Girl: "what's your number you sound like you have a lot of turbulence."

by Theonlynegro May 26, 2023


A rocky ride in bed

Rice capoon had a bit of turbulence on the flight

by Charizard rockyride12345678920 March 17, 2021


An air pocket, also known as a quiff caused by a rapid force relocating your body through a jump in the air pressure of a plane, making lots of air escape.

I was getting thrown around on a plane to Vegas, and my wife hit turbulence.

by sskkrrtt May 13, 2020


Most people think it has something to do with a plane but you would be wrong. It is a sexual act when guy who has rizz shakes and bounces his dick up and down and sideways without touching his dick in front of a girl. This can be done in the bed, shower, school/public or if your fucking crazy enough to do it on YouTube

like IShowSpeed

"He got some mad Turbulence for her!"

by Andrew Tate Cheesy Bald Head October 25, 2023


When you go crazy with your willy like the guy from tiktok

Ayo wtf is this nigga doin!?”
Whole lotta turbulence right there”

by DaMelo May 9, 2023