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The United States of America

Where the Internet was born.

The United States of America:

It makes sense that the Internet was born in America because the Internet is a free cyberspace. It is a virtual representation of America: Greatness and the crap that comes with it.

by raptroes December 3, 2010

78๐Ÿ‘ 51๐Ÿ‘Ž

The United States of America

A fictional country that first appeared in the textbooks of every primary school as a country built upon the principles of freedom and liberty.

The United States of America is often confused with the actual countries, The United Corporations of America and the country, The Divided States of Amnesiacs.

All rational scholars agree that the United States of America never existed. Saying, "if it did ever exist, it only lasted between 1 to 5 minutes in the minds and hearts of those who conceived of such a nation."

Nevertheless, a loyal following of the fantasy country still exists. Elections are held every four years for an illusionary president. And the belief that the US is the greatest nation EVER is a requirement for membership in several fanatical groups.

Recently, however, growing dissatisfaction with the fantasy of The United States of America has led many people to even doubt the fairness of democracy. With proclamations that democracy is an illusion as well. Nothing more than the tyranny of the majority and the servant of the wealthy few. In turn, this has led many to look for other imaginary countries. Countries such as Narnia, Wakanda, Loompaland even the entire Marvel Universe have experienced a rapid influx of mental migrations in an attempt to escape the reality of a fantasy nation.


โ€œThe United States of America is the home of the free and a land under God!!โ€
โ€œGood. Very good my child. Now, it is time to take your Batch-five medication, and then weโ€™ll listen to and repeat today's Doublethink. Rememberโ€ฆIgnorance is Strength!"

by Wittyhandle October 20, 2021

6๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

The United States of America

The land of the free.... and obesity epidemics... and mass shootings... and heart attacks... and fascism... and racism... and alcoholism...

Worse than Somalia.


by DecapitatedScrotum June 16, 2016

33๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

The United States of America

A country where around 40% of the world's idiots come from. Around 50% of those idiots come from Florida. The United States' political system is broken, but most Americans don't realize it, they are content with their two party system and are convinced that it's a democracy. It's not, as the electoral vote can be off by millions compared to the popular vote. The United States prefers putting money into the military rather than science, education, or healthcare. The United States largely believes that healthcare is an optional service, not a necessity. The United States also loves shitting on other countries with their large military. A good example of this is how The United States destabilized the middle east by invading Iraq. Americans were too dumb to realize that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and their government was lying to them under the Bush administration. On top of this, America left most of the following refugee crisis to be dealt with by smaller European countries. Many of the Americans that make The United States the way it is are workers who were failed by the country's terrible educational system, and believed it when a business man told them he's the best, that he represents their unspecified beliefs, and that he will stop nonexistent problems at their roots. This led to the 2016 election of a narcissist cheeto molester man over a moderate liberal woman who accidentally used her personal E-Mail for government purposes.

So Bill, what do you think of The United States of America?
Well, Charles, I think that The United States of America is attempting to compensate for the size of it's penis with military strength and ignorance of certain necessities.

by Leafy Greeens November 25, 2017

30๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž

united states of america

Oh god don't get me started on the USA! It's the worst country in the world. Around 3% of them are normal people. The 97% are one or more of the following: "gangstas", racists, gang bangers, dumbasses, over patriotic! Everybody hates america! And they especially hate George Bush. He's ruined that country! Iraq, 9/11, 7/7 all because of USA!

English Representative: Hey ur from the united states of america aint ya! See we english don't speak posh and retarded like we do in ur films!

American Representative: Oh yea. Oh well i am too dumb to think your normal!

by I love a good cherry pie to munch away at! May 17, 2007

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united states of america

A very large country in North America who consider themselves best in the world. But they are not. All presidents come from rich family because to be president, you need to be rich. If someone criticizes this country, they become angry and say things like "you're just jealous," why the hell would we be jealous of a place where you can't go faster than 55 without being pulled over and everyone solves disputes by waving guns around. They say that they saved the UK's arse (yes "arse" not "ass" ass is a donkey) from invasion in WW2 even though we'd saved our own two years before the US joined when the RAF won the Battle of Britain. They refuse to use the metric system or spell colour properly, full stop (no, not period, that's the blood that comes out a woman every month or so). The US asked us to go to Iraq with them and we did but they thanked us by repeated "friendly" fire. Now they want to pull out and leave us dealing with the mess they created. America think they can push every other country around and most prime ministers obviously agree. If i were prime minister, i'd tell the rich, stupid president a thing or two. For a start, they would have to get their planes the hell out of the UK and our overseas territories!
In conclusion, wouldn't it be great if the government of America collapsed and they could stop being such a hindrance to peace and happiness.

"Hey, lets go to the united states of america for our holiday"
"god no, do you want to get shot?"

by Hujanika Bolokofpt September 3, 2007

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The United States of America

The fattest, dumbest, and most self absorbed country in the world.

It's not the United States of America! It's just America God dammit!

by Callumbuddy December 7, 2015

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