Hudi vr is someone good at hiking and pinch climbing if you see him you want to leave server or will not catch him and the round will never end.
“Oh no hudi vr is here let’s leave”
Hudi vr is a gorilla tag player who is good at jukes and pinch climbing if you see him and aren’t good at those things then leave to be safe
Oh no hudi vr is in the server
Let’s leave I’m not good at pinch climbing
You like this game cause you have a brain and play vrml league or your some little kid that team kills and gets kicked from every song lobby or some mad league player that thinks if there team didn’t win the championship someone was cheating
Me:Yo you play onward vr
5yearold: ye wanna play escort
Harmful VR is an unbeatable Gorilla Tag player
Oh no! Harmful VR is coming we have to run
It’s Harmful VR we better leave
( VR enthusiast is a person who frenzys over vr and enjoy the activity very much)
i have 300 hours in vr chat im a vr enthusiast. What about you?
A small content creator that is good at gorilla tag and has an coulis quest 2
Hey have u heard of 3rror._.vr
A card that you lose if you masturbated with a virtual character in VR, and didn't actually masturbate. Also the Google Cardboard, but is more referred to as the first definition said.
Guy 1: "Hey dude, guess what I did last night in VR."
Guy 2: "Oh no, please don't tell me you l..."
Guy 1: "I lost my VR-Card last night!"
Guy 2: "Oh my... YOU FUCKING LONER."
Guy 1: "Dude, I just couldn't resist."
Guy 2: "Get a life, and please just shut the fuck up."