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World of Warcraft

A pretty cool game that's gotten a bad rap because some r-tards say that WoW ruined their life. It's not an addiction if you can manage without it. Just playing all the time doesn't make it an addiction. Like football, but no one says that's an addiction.

Fatass who gets media attention: World of Warcraft made meh phat!

Normal player who doesn't: Hell yeah I play WoW! It's a pretty cool game.

Heavy player: I play WoW around 4 hours a day, but I still have a job and RL friends.

by Twentilla, Lord of Awesome August 1, 2008

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World of Warcraft

A very popular MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) created by Blizzard Entertainment. Set in the same fictional universe as the company's 3 previous "WarCraft" games, the game follows a traditional MMORPG structure of level-based advancement, as well as encouraging in-game social interaction to accomplish team goals.

The game worlds are separated by "servers", which are typically in reference to the computer server clusters that make up each game world. These are systems maintained by Blizzard Entertainment and are partially paid for by the player monthly subscription fee.

Starting at level 1, the game is designed to quickly provide players with a set of small goals, thus familiarizing themselves with the game world. These goals, or "quests", are typically tasks provided by computer-generated "NPCs" or "Non-Player Characters" and typically involve fighting and defeating other NPC antagonists or collecting and delivering certain items. Through this progression players obtain new abilities and equipment, eventually teaming up with others to fight and defeat increasingly difficult encounters.

The World of Warcraft game environment also allows players to engage and combat other players from the opposing "team" under certain rules and controlled circumstances depending on the type of ruleset the game server is running. This is referred to as "PVP" (Player Versus Player). There are currently 4 different types of game rulesets:

1) PVE: Player-Versus-Environment. PVP combat is purely consentual, requiring a player to either duel, enable pvp by typing in a command, or enter a pvp enabled battleground.

2) PVP: Player Versus Player. PVP combat is enabled in all but the starting areas of the game.

3) RP: Role-Playing. Ruleset is identical to PVE, but players are encouraged to "Role-play" their character, ideally removing modern and out-of-game references from in-game interaction.

4) RP-PVP: Role-Playing, Player Versus Player. Ruleset is identical to PVP, but with the same RP encouragement as an RP Environment.

Resources: www.worldofwarcraft.com ; www.blizzard.com

"I used to play Ultima Online, EverQuest, and even Dark Age of Camelot... but I ended up sticking with World of Warcraft for the longest time simply because there's so much to do!"

by T Anon August 8, 2006

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world of warcraft

1. A modern day rite of passage where boys become men. World of Warcraft is a game for over-achievers who find life too easy and need more of challenge than what their daily routine provides. 2. A dosage of reality for certain relationships. A way for girlfriends to discover their true worth. These unfortunate ones must remember that anger and lashing out is the first step to recovery.

Learn to dance like a female Nightelf from World of Warcraft, THEN we'll talk. Till then don't come out of the kitchen.

by Joe February 10, 2005

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World of Warcraft

World of Warcraft is a place in the bedroom where two partners get together and play dungeons and dragons and later have raging sex with each other all night with lots of swords and dragons and other things ;)

Last night me and my wife did the World of Warcraft!!!!

by Battlemaster Mo November 4, 2009

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World of Warcraft

World of warcraft is a good game but is very dangerous to your life. A game that will consume your life to no end. It will also, take away your family, and everything that you used to love in your life. You would rather stay at home sat,urday night raiding BlackWing Lair then go out with, your friends to smoke a bowl and get drunk as hell.

DON'T EVER BUY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

World of Warcraft is a very addicting game. It has the shaman class, the paladin class, the hunter class and the rogue class+much more.

Hey Jimmy, You commin' to ted's party 2nite? He got a hold of some of the best weed around. We're totally gonna get baked as hell.

Naw, I gotta help my guild down C'thun tonight on World of Warcraft, It's our first try tonight.

Fuck you man ever since you got that game It's been consuming your life, I fucking hate you and also, Ashley told me to tell you she dumped you becuase you blew her off and you were supposed to have hawt sex with her.

Oh well, I met this new chick on WoW, she probably isn't hawt but OMG she has a hunter with 5/8 Dragon stalkers and 3/8 Giant stalkers with both twin blades of hakkari with double +15 to agi enchants and Rhok'Delar.

I don't understand a fucking word you say now'a'days, get off your fucking lazy ass and come party with us.

by ownzer man July 4, 2006

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world of warcraft

the most diabolically addictive game ever conceived
crack in the form of a CD disc

world of warcraft requires a 5-year rehabilitation program to get rid of your addiction

much different to runescape, wold of warcraft is actually good

by uzo9 May 12, 2008

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world of warcraft

A place where people with no lives pretend to have one.

I'm going to go play 'life'(world of warcraft)!

by xmrselfdestructt February 7, 2007

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