To disappear at the very thought of something.
Tom Scott: If you accept the definition that a "word" is some letters surrounded by a gap, then, Xnopyt, a
(Tom Scott Xnopyts)
A word, as long as you accept that the definition that a word is some letters, surrounded by a gap.
"If you accept the definition that a word is some letters, surrounded by a gap, then xnopyt, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
To suddenly disintegrate at the thought of something.
Upon uttering the word Xnopyt Tom Scott disintegrated
To suddenly disintegrate. The word itself is a cognitohazard; by thinking of the word you risk instant disintegration.
"If you accept the definition that a word is some letters surrounded by a gap, then xnopyt AA-"
To stop existing after stating the word, "xnopyt"
"If you accept the definition that a word is some letters surrounded by a gap, then xnopyt, A-"
- Tom Scott
The act of disintegrating at the thought of something that shouldn't exist.
"Tom thought of a Xnopyt during bedtime, come morning, there was no sight of him."