she stealin shit
sara yopped an icee from buc'ees (and it hit)
Meaning when a girl preferably a Treesh gives you head.
“Yeah bruh she give the good yop”
Up interpretation- only a select 4 know it’s true meaning
I fucking yop you
Yeep Yop
Yop Yeep
Amazing oral sex. A step up from top.
Yo Bari gave me the best yop of my life last night.
Replaces any verb, if it feels good it works
Word founded by Gil Cooper, Instagram-theofficial.pepper
“Imma yop up some cereal”
Imma make myself cereal
“I’ve been yopping on fortnite”
I’ve been playing fortnite really well lately
Building blows up, Me: that building got yopped