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Are you legitting me?!

Another way to say " Are you kidding me?!" Especially used by rich white girls.

Mackenzie: Dan and I hooked up last night, sorry babe

Stella: "are you legitting me?!"
Mackenzie: nope but who cares! BFFLS for life

Stella: haha okay love you babe


by Elle2942 June 28, 2014

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

You feel me?

Means, "I know!(as in YUP)(not like a durr kind of "iknow")" and "get it?" "understand?"

Billybob: That girl such a hoe!
Joebob: You feel me?!

Skip: How do you spell hoe?
Sally: H-O-E you feel me?
Skip: Yeahh.

by SuperPinky December 12, 2007

180πŸ‘ 69πŸ‘Ž

Are you joking me?

A term used to express surprise and probably displeasure. A mixture of "Are you kidding me?" and "Are you joking?" Used most in the Bergen County area of New Jersey.

Math Teacher: Tonight's homework is page 121, 12 to 30.
Stupid Ridgewood Jock Kid: Are you joking me?!

by Herbert Oscar Forsberg the Third March 21, 2006

83πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

Are you kidding me

A common American phrase for expressing disbelief.


"Dude, Ned Stark fucking dies."
"I haven't see the episode yet asshole. Are you kidding me?"

by DictionaryPapi June 20, 2014

89πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž

You heard me

A New Orleans’ saying. Often used after ever sentence, even when not necessary. Meanings: β€œyou feel me”, just to emphasize your sentence. pronunciation: *new Orleans accent* β€œurr her mi”

β€œThe saints are going to winning the super bowl, you heard me?”

β€œLet’s get some hand grenades, you heard me? β€œ

β€œWhat time is it, you heard me?”

β€œAnthony Davis is a dog, you heard me?”

by GooseMrz November 17, 2018

20πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

you hear me

Usually with people say after they tell someone something

If you leave out, close the door behind you, you hear me?

by thequelz October 17, 2013

27πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

you slay me

The phrase "You slay me" is slang and it means to overwhelm, as with laughter or love.

It is used in response to something funny someone has said or done.

person 1 says or does something funny.
person 2 in response can only sum up the amazing funniness that has occured with the phrase "you slay me," signifying total appreciation of the funny event and deeming it hilarious and worthy of acknowledgement.

by hownowbrowncow00 February 7, 2011

277πŸ‘ 116πŸ‘Ž