koromaru is cracked at fortnite
koromaru: cranks fucking 90s in fortnite
When someone’s having sex with you and you bite their fucking face off right before they cum
Esma pulled the Yuki even tho Yuki typically does that wtf
"yuki clip" or more commonly used in conversations "pulling a yuki clip" refers to a popular clip by Swiss Valorant streamer yukicookie03, in which she painfully whiffed an entire mag like the gold player she is
"ah jeez im so bad, i almost pulled a yuki clip"
Yuky is name given to the type of girl that is really hipper, funny, and maybe the happiest person in the world. A Yuky needs a lot of attention, love, and depends on others, but everyone love her. And she is a great person;
Sometimes she can break you, emotionally. A Yuky will never apologize, if she do it is because she really cares about you.
“Who is she?”
“Is Yuky, the funniest and popular girl of the school!”
Go ask your two year old you creep.
Sorry I couldent think of a sentence, YUKY