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1) A state where there are, obviously, not too many bright people. (Judging by the entries made with stupid & careless spelling errors.) Just watch, now that I've said that, I'll make a dumbass mistake.

2) Stereotyped by pretty much everyone for incest, racism & rednecks.

1) omg im lyk frum alabamar & der r hot gurlz hear but we r sooooo misunderstood :(:(:( plz feel soz 4 me. kk???/

2) G-g-gosh! Me uncle is me cousin & me brother all at the same time. Harharharhar.

by Tam. H III esq. April 7, 2005

103๐Ÿ‘ 158๐Ÿ‘Ž


A state known for its hick population, football, and the majority of the world's inbreeding.

Here football, overalls, and sleeping with your sister are all big.

Welcome to Alabama!

Here incest is illegal, but that don't stop anyone!

Come. Make yourself at home.

by <<ryan>> January 13, 2008

87๐Ÿ‘ 137๐Ÿ‘Ž


home of the:
-ugliest people on Earth
-dumbest people on Earth
-most ignorant people on Earth
-most out-of-style people on Earth
-people who think theyre wonderful, yet no other state cares about them
-idiots who have confederate flags on their trucks because they dont realize it does NOT exist and they still think they live in the 50's
-most stereotyped people because of racism, which is actually NOT true
-worst drivers on earth because they think they're so great when theyre behind their huge trucks and can do whatever they want, til they get out of their automobile and realize theyre just a typical pathetic Alabama person
-scum of the U.S.
-U.S. conservatives who dont like any change whatsoever
-thousands upon thousands of amendments to their constitution b/c the state government is so screwed up
-most overrated football teams (auburn and alabama), which, in fact, do suck and are not even close to being good academic schools
-NICEST people you can meet, though

Note: i do live in alabama and i do speak the truth

Non-alabama resident #1:
"you see that ugly, dumb, ignorant, out-of-style, arrogant, confederate flag wearing, racist, horrible driver, scum, conservative, really nice person over there?"

Non-Alabama resident #2:
"Yea, so?"

Non-Alabama resident #1:
"He/she must be from Alabama"

by Alabama resident June 4, 2005

188๐Ÿ‘ 315๐Ÿ‘Ž


A colony of inbred white American arseholes with guns that hate everyone except inbred white American arseholes with guns.

Sensible European (British, French etc): Where are you from?
Gun-totting fat American: Alabama
European: Shit - RUN before he rapes our animals.

by ismk February 20, 2008

94๐Ÿ‘ 153๐Ÿ‘Ž


. A place only good for making you feel smart in comparison to all the racist, drawling redneck dumbasses.

2.Good for hilarious stories and great laughs when you come back home, and having fun telling all your northeastern friends just how all the sterotypes about this god-forsaken rock are true.

3. Place where it gets so hot and humid you can barely breathe, Your allergies will kill you if the high insect population doesn't get to you first

4. A place where you can drive past slave cemetaries which are only open fields.

5. Still stuck in the 1950's, practacally segregated and interracial marriages are still taboo

6. just face it, if youre from AL youre a worthless piece of shit, America makes fun of you and don't even bother retaliating because noone can understand you anyway and your pathetic drawls get you laughed at even more!

6.Alabama's as close as you can get to a third world country without american ideals of innovation and freedom. so come here often...and appreciate northern living that much more!

ppl in AL arent any more polite, theyre just good at hiding their emotions and talking about you behind your back

by qooioop April 23, 2005

131๐Ÿ‘ 227๐Ÿ‘Ž


A silly state where no one wants to live. If you were born in Alabama you have no real future. Alabama is infected with poor people.

My names Bobby-Jo and I was born in Alabama, would you like some corn?

Aw shit Alabama isn't even worth a dictionary definition. Peace out bitches.

by CJDJ September 12, 2005

123๐Ÿ‘ 214๐Ÿ‘Ž


A state in the USA, Known for incest

Hey have you been to Alabama?

Yea, I fucked my sister there

by A random staedtler eraser October 7, 2021