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apartment in downtown springfield

Polite way of referring to AIDS.

Did you here? Topher doesn't just have a House In Virginia; that dude has a full blown Apartment In Downtown Springfield

by Get it On Account June 25, 2017

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take her apart

Fuck a girl (preferably one with a very tight pussy) hard with a big dick in such away that she walks funny the next day but wants to come back for more.

Dude, look at that tiny ass...i'm gonna take her apart tonight.

by big cock charles August 26, 2007

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Things Fall Apart

An awful book:

1. that is supposed to oppose racism but fails.

2. is about yams. And angry black men. But mostly yams.

3. that makes African tribal men sound like mormons.

"Things fall apart, indeed. My soul fell apart when I was forced to read this book."

"Yeah, man, I feel you. Did you know their inability to grow yams is symbolic of the lack of plot lines to fuel the story?"

by NatiBee January 1, 2010

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newport landing apartments

an apartment complex in dallas, tx usa, where one can be expected to be treated with no respect, refferred to as "a ghetto peoples" by the manager, and generally treated like crap by the management. if you move in, don't expect anything to be fixed, at least not within reason.

"We're moving to the Newport Landing Apartments in Dallas Texas."
"Don't you know the manager is racist?"
"Well, it's all my family can afford, so we will just have to suffer until we are no longer oppressed by poverty and social injustice."

by faceless victim of poverty March 31, 2004

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Apartment In Delaware State

Acronym for AIDS like House In Virginia is an acronym for HIV.

They say Bishop Eddie Long got a House In Virginia but I think he upgraded to an Apartment In Delaware State.

by Michael & Michele September 8, 2016

tear a skunk apart

to celebrate an occasion using an online video communication platform

We gonna tear a skunk apart on Zoom this New Year's Eve!

by minorsurgeon March 23, 2021

5 day apartment

When you are in between houses and you are living in a motel/hotel, its called a five day apartment. Not to be confused with vacationing in a motel/hotel, Five Day Apartment applies only to when you live in a hotel/motel without a real home to return to. NOTE: Five Day Apartment applies to any period of time, from one night to months on end.

I moved out of my house, but I can't move into my new place for a few weeks. I guess I'll rent a 5 day apartment.

by Ina5dayapartment July 26, 2010