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mass arson in 27 countries

what i commited

i commited mass arson in 27 countries

by axelbutwithoutthel September 22, 2020

big tittie arson committer


Lyra is literally the definition of ‘Big Tittie Arson Committer

by Big Tittie Arson Committer January 16, 2020

Orion Dajnowicz Damian Monte Haggard Garage Arson

When accidentally starting a huge wildfire whilst on a cross-country roadtrip and fleeing the scene. Then years later one of the "arsonists" blabs about it, self snitching during a vlog.
Then, after investigations it turns out that this same crew have been involved/implicated in numerous fires.

Orion Dajnowicz Damian Monte Haggard Garage Arson

"Yoo, did you here about the shop Fire last night?" Orion Dajnowicz Damian Monte Haggard Garage Arson

"Yoo, did you hear about the wildfire at The Thing, in Arizona?" Orion Dajnowicz Damian Monte Haggard Garage Arson

by ArmourChinker January 4, 2023

3👍 1👎

Lemonade Arson

Lemonade based Arson. Not legal.

I shall commit Lemonade Arson if I do not get said item.

by The Implex July 23, 2022

Ass Arson

when a living organism is taking a shit and they're so bombastic that fire blows out of their asshole, therefore causes a case of ass arson

Emelia and Emme got home from the fair and had a bad case of ass arson… they ended up in the hospital and their house burnt down.

by assarsoncreator February 16, 2024

Ass Arson

when a living organism is taking a shit and they're so bombastic that fire blows out of their asshole, therefore causes a case of ass arson.

Emelia and Emme got home from the fair and had a bad case of ass arson… they ended up in the hospital and their house was burnt down.

by assarsoncreator February 16, 2024

Domesticated Arson

Fire kept as a pet like a candle, fireplace or bonfire

Person 1: What is your favourite form of domesticated arson?

Person 2: Im a fan of candles in my opinion

by NexxR3 December 12, 2022