A life assumer assumes everything you do is about him or her.
I was having sex with my girlfriend, and my gay roommate, who is a life assumer, said, "You're not enjoying that; you're just doing that to make fun of me."
I don’t like Assumers, they never want info directly from the source.
Hym "I'm just going to assume that if I was giving away people's likeness someone would have brought it up and I'm just going to keep doing what I'm doing."
Assumation means when someone says something about something and they don’t know if it’s true or false. Aka when someone assumes something
You’re always making assumations about her, you don’t even know her.
An assumation is when you accuse someone of something, w/o knowing if its a fact
stop making assumations about him, you've never talked to him before
better word than assumption. Assumance is very much correct. Use to descirbe people who assume a lot (jazzy)
I’ll take your assumance over a guess