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mutually assured destruction

Basically a Mexican standoff between prominent countries that possess nuclear weapons and have different polictical agendas. Causes the entire world to be gripped in a sort of doomsday fatalism. Also results in peace talks to boil down to a pissing match in which each side takes a "I'll-throw-down-my-gun-if-you-throw-down-your-gun-first" attitude.

In "Beneath the Planet of the Apes" the apes may have survived if they had thier own nukes. The mutant humans wouldn't have used thier nuke because of fear of mutually assured destruction. Which didn't matter anyway, because they all ended up dead, like a bunch of pork rinds.

by Pigeon McNugget October 8, 2003

mutually assured

A term expressing an expectation of reciprocity. If event A happens, then event B will certainly follow. Most commonly used in the phrase "mutually assured destruction," which posits that the best defense against a nuclear-based attack is the threat of a "mutually assured" retaliatory nuclear-based attack...although the term can be applied to events less earth-shakingly catastrophic.

"If I go down on you, it damn well better be mutually assured that you'll be sucking my cock afterwards."

by lexicographer September 15, 2003

mutually assured

to feel safe because others feel the same way
peer support
feel the same as someone

now that i'm mutually assured i'll do the driveby with u boys

by teddyK September 14, 2003

assurance blow

When you blow your nose one more time after getting most of the snot out just to make sure.

"I had to do an assurance blow before I threw away the Kleenex in case there was a little bit of snot left."

by SquidDude May 8, 2019

mutually assured bankruptcy

The idea that when two hyper-competitive people or organizations decide to directly advertise against one another the firsts move will elicit a response from the second that will begin a series of escalations in marketing expenditures beyond what would be reasonable in an efficient free market to the point of bankruptcy for both people or organizations. The term comes from the Cold War-era term Mutually Assured Destruction.

McDonald's and Burger King were so concerned with market share with the Big Mac and Whopper that they lost sight of the button line and in an effort to one-up the other in marketing dollars and thus market share, they are both now doomed. It is mutually assured bankruptcy.

by Fat Aaron January 13, 2020

empty-boxcars train of assurers

Derisive term for a sizable number of acquaintances of someone with a dubious reputation who make praising statements about the individual's character/morals, offer to co-sign a loan he's requesting, etc., but who are of comparably-questionable integrity themselves, are also broke, etc., and so their own word and/or reliability is viewed as not being much more of a legitimate guarantee than the promises of the person they're vouching for. In other words, "quantito, but not qualito"... lots of impressive-looking "containers", but with no actual/tangible/legitimate "goods" inside of said containers.

Loan officer: I always feel really wary/suspicious whenever someone of unknown/questionable reputation asks for a loan and offers to bring in a number of other folks to vouch for his character, reliability, and financial responsibility --- "methinks he doth protest too much", plus usually his so-called "witnesses" appear to merely be an "empty-boxcars train of assurers"... they seem no more trustworthy than I would view the loan-requester himself as being, and so their voluminous praise/recommendations hold little significance and inspire little confidence in me regarding whether the loan-requester would actually possess adequate means/motivation/dedication to repay the money. I feel something like how the lady-attorney in "Losing Isaiah" did when she pointed out that the members of the "support group" whom ex-druggie/shoplifter Khaila had named as the people who were assisting her in her efforts to "go straight" and "live clean" had themselves all been former drug-users and/or criminals, and so she felt that they should not be considered to be viable/reliable helpers to prevent Khaila from relapsing.

by QuacksO September 21, 2018

mutual assured regeneration

A strategic doctrine or philosophy that stands as the antithesis of Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD). Instead of ensuring peace through the threat of mutual annihilation, Mutual Assured Regeneration promotes the idea that all parties commit to rebuilding, renewing, and uplifting one another in the event of a conflict, leading to a perpetual cycle of cooperation and peace. The principle is rooted in the concept of "agreeing to agree," where collaboration and positive reinforcement are the foundations for global security and prosperity.

The leaders adopted a policy of Mutual Assured Regeneration, ensuring that any future disputes would lead to collective efforts to heal and strengthen all involved rather than bringing about their mutual destruction.

by streamerd August 25, 2024