When you put a knife in her butthole and stick your penis in and start twisting both
“Hey man I just gave this girl a human blender for the first and probably last time”
Where three or more people go into a body of water, make a circle, arms around one another, and urinate at the same time, then spin all around to mix it all round.
Hey I need to go pee. Me too! Let go do a pee blender in the lake!
A Thrill Blender is an adrenaline junky who likes to mix up the excitement and entertainment in their life.
Bro, if you're skydiving at 8am, longboarding at 12pm, base jumping by 6pm, and by midnight you're out partying then your definitely a thrill blender.
The act turning a female clockwise on the male phallus whilst she is being ravaged anally.
Denise was walking like a penguin for a whole week.. I guess the booty blender was too much for her...
That one jackass who ruins all the fun!
"Dude I hate Michael! He's such a cock blender!"
The act of gripping a woman's clitoris, or bean, between your thumb and index finger and twisting. The is the vaginal equivalent of a titty twister.
I finally got Alissa back last night with a mean bean blender!
A machine in which a male and a female enter intending to blend genders. They exit as two beings with no gender, one possessing both a penis and a vagina and one without anything. Their sexualities remain the same.
Oh I don’t have a gender, I went in a gender blender when I was 10.
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