An event in which a fuckboy or eboy drives to the location of their crush to drop off their favorite boba. The girl then tends to record the boy in their car handing them the boba and proceeds to say thank you to them.
Usually, the boy is tagged in the recorded video and it is then posted onto the girl's Snapchat story. Boba dropoffs are usually voluntary and offered by the boy. Furthermore, in anticipation of being recorded and tagged, the boy may dress up and get iced out.
The motive is debatable but is, most likely, a form of incremental romantic progression with the girl, nevertheless cringey.
Homie #1: "Lol did you see Andrew in Angela's Snapchat story last night?"
Homie #2: "Yeah dude what a loser. He told me that he started catching feelings for Angela so he probably got caught up in a boba dropoff."
Noun-Acronym. The Back of Bus Alliance. A cooperation alliance founded to maintain security in the back of the Vildan Tours Cruiser. It first started as a way to always claim the best seats on the bus. This meant always being prepared for departure and reserving the last 3 rows of seats. It progressed to a point of defending ourselves from drunk chechnyans, inappropriate danes, and blood-thirsty chetniks. Related to babycakes.
The members of BOBA are Republika Carlska, Federation Allison, the Adriatic Harlot, Babycakes, Tayfor, and Jens the German Dreambear.
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Being sexually attracted to Star Wars characters, especially Princess Leia when she wore the gold bikini in "The Return of the Jedi".
I have a total Boba Fettish for Princess Leia in the gold bikini
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"Boba straws" is the equivalent of drunk texting. The phrase originated when a sleep-deprived restaurant manager was jarred awake by a restaurant manager group text, and unconsciously responded by typing "Boba straws!" to the managers group then falling back to sleep unaware of what he had texted. In that act, he exhibited the world's first Boba straws moment. The phrase can also used synonymously with "senior moment."
Annie: Did you understand what Calvin text to the group this morning?
Eve: I have no idea what he was saying. He was out of it. I think he had a Boba straws moment. Lol
Annie: Yeah, he has had a lot of those lately. Dude needs to get more sleep!
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No, "bubble tea" is the Americanized way of saying it. No, it is not gross. It is a flavored tea drink originated in Taiwan that usually contains tapioca "pearls", aka the Boba. You suck the drink through a large straw so you can eat the Boba too. There are also "popping boba", which is simply a small bubble around a burst of juice that well, pops easily in your mouth.
Let's go get some Boba Tea at the cafe!
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Obese man who spends his time with eating donuts at his workplace, and does frequent naps even if he is a security supervisor.
The term is an obvious reference to Boba Fett, and it was used in a freemium mobile game, The Simpsons Tapped Out.
Patty: Hey, Boba Fat, could you trundle a few steps to the left? I canβt see the TV. In fact, I canβt see that whole half of the house.
When you cum and itβs chunky asl
Ewww man you got boba cum??? Yuck!!