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Know as the Dutch abbreviation for 'bollen' (XTC, MDMA), 'bolle' can also be used to point out a fat guy or to call Max Bollen.

Ewa kanker bolle

by kkbolle November 21, 2021


The Scandinavian word "bolle", means a lot of things. In Swedish it means a dessert bun, but in Norway and ESPECIALLY Denmark, this is a word that you shouldn't say in public.

It can be misunderstood in Norwegian 'cause it means both a dessert bun and, the word in Danish that only has one meaning: to descrete say that you wanna take this person from behind.

And it's, as I have told you, not so common in norwegain, and they have this foodchain called "Bollebar", and danes would probably look at this word and think: "Oh, they have wh*rehouse here!? Strange...".

"Bolle?" *secretly goes into the bathroom*. That is a way to use it

by Zalo furry 110% February 8, 2023


Norwegian word for bread/roll. The word is also a term used by people on people (often in Norway) who dress like a gangster and speak kebabnorsk. Wannabe bolle is the opposite term for it, also a wannabe gangsterboy. If you get called a wannabe bolle, then i’m sorry my man just stop what you are doing thats embarassing. The term can be used on both genders. If the term is used on a girl is it called a bollejente. Bollejente is a negative word to be called, while bolle is positive (if you are a boy). This term is originally found by the great Besj.

Omg det er en kjekk bolle bak meg hva skal jeg gjøre!

by Besjtilhenger December 27, 2021


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yo dude be sure to bollinger

by newpatek October 18, 2018